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Full name ~ Jenner Ferox Lucient
Age ~ Appears to be in his early 20's
Years Infected ~ 15
Species ~ wolf
Height ~ 5'10"
Eyes ~ Lavendar
Hair ~ Glossy black; cut longer in the front than in back.
Anima ~ Large for a wolf, with a more solid bone structure. Looks thin for his size though. Eyes retain their lavendar color. Pelt is a rich glossy black.
Beast ~ 9' when standing erect. Eyes and pelt are the same as for Anima. His ears, though, seem to be slightly longer than most Lunar wolve's.
Rank ~ Alpha
Controlled by ~ Skahi

He's built slender, borderline androgenous. But don't let that fool you. He's mostly muscle, hardly any extra fat on him at all. Every movement, ever gesture, shows muscles slidng underneath his skin like a well oiled machine. Slender artist's hands, silky soft skin, and a voice like sex have made more than one girl follow him home.

He hardly ever wears a shirt and he's almost always in either leather pants of baggy black denim jeans. A chain circles his neck loosly; a trophy from killing the former Alpha. Outside of that, the only other constant jewelry on him is a thin gold band gracing his left hand.

While most of him is covered in scars of some sort or another, some among the collection stand out. There's a lattice work of scars across the back of his shoulders and down his spine. Paper thin and almost delicate looking, they were deffinatly done intentinally. Ragged scars cover the insides of his wrists, looking like some animal had tried to gnaw his hands off. Beneath the ring he wears is a scar that's almost a perfect match for the band. Low on his back, low enough to usually be hidden by his pants, it a tribal tattoo. Usally all that can be seen is thin tendrils curling around the tops of his hips.


He takes his role as Alpha very seriously. While he may be a sadistic bastard even to his own people, he's fiercly protective of those under his rule.

Very little is known for fact about Jenner. What is rumored is that as a human he was in and out of juvie his entire life, suspected for numerous murder and disaperance cases, was convicted for canibalism, and spent time in a mental ward.

Those that have had met him don't find the rumors hard to believe. He's sadistic, controlling, tempermental, and charming when he wants to be. He doesn't regret at all what he's become. Loves it, in fact. There is little to no consience in him, no regret, and no respect for those weaker than himself.

He has no problem with the Lunar instinct to feed upon humans. He was doing it long before he became one.

Skills and Powers

As a powerful Lunar there are numerous tricks available to him. He can shift individul body parts at will and if he doesn't want you to see him, you don't.

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