The glh Library

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OpenGL Logo


Link to old page containing older Logs (previous)
Link to old page containing older Logs (older)

The current version is 1.62, for Windows 32 bit. LGPL license!
Linux version : I'm working on the assembly part.

This page contains a library called "glh" which stands for Graphics Library Helper. It is kind of like OpenGL's GLU but contains extra functions and optimized functions. The optimizations are done with assembly and are for the x86 architecture. Note that not all parts are done in assembly.

glhlib is still freeware and still contains the very fast image scaling function --> glhScaleImage_asm386
the function that started this project.

PS: For Windows, glhlib is compiled with VC++6 SP5, for Pentium Pro, Maximize Speed.
For Linux, gcc is used (gcc -fPIC -fomit-frame-pointer -g -c XXXX.cpp to compile .cpp to .oand
gcc -shared -W1, -glhlib, -o XXXXX.o to link .o into a shared library)


Sunday, August 23, 2008
Version 1.62
GL 3.0 has been released. Quite a few functions in GL are considered old and not necessary therefore GLH functions that were calling those same functions such as glMatrixMode, glFrustum, glOrtho, glLoadMatrixf, glAccum ARE NOW REMOVED.
The accumulation buffer is useless now that we have floating point render targets and you can do DOF just as well.
Don't worry, there are still other functions that can do the same job such as glhLoadIdentityf2, glhFrustumf2 and many others.

Deleting :
and several other functions (Block 13)

Deleting :
glhAccumFrustumf, glhAccumPerspectivef, glhRender_DOF_SceneAAf

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Version 1.61
Bug fix in glhCreateSpheref2. In class TSphere, GenerateVertices() and GenerateVertices2() were
not computing the vertices correctly. The z values wasn't taking the radius into account, so when the sphere
radius is 1.0, then it looks ok, else the sphere looks deformed.
Bug fix in glhGetIntegerv. When you call glhGetIntegerv(GLH_OPENGL_VERSION, params), the minor number returned was incorrect.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Version 1.60
Deleting :
====Use glhGetIntegerv instead

Deleting :
====Use glhGetString instead

Sunday, Jan 06, 2008
Happy New Year!
I made a small change.
Added glhQuaternionQuatToRotationMatrixTf
Current version is 1.58 for Windows, 32 bit.
Doing some work on the Linux version as well.

Older logs have been deleted else this page would be too long.


Version 1.00 - a first release
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Here's the source code. (link no longer available)
Version 1.10
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.20
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (39.8 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.30
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (88.5 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.40
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (113 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.41
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (59.1 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.50
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (62.2 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.52
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (107 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.53
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (106 KB) (link no longer available) (VC++ lib)
Version 1.54
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (113 KB) (link no longer available)(VC++ lib)
Files included : copyright.txt, glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt
Version 1.55
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (116 KB) (VC++ lib)(link no longer available)
Files included : copyright.txt, glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt
Added recently --> All Functions.rtf
Version 1.56
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (134 KB) (VC++ lib)(link no longer available)
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt, glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt

Here's the ZIP file containing the Linux library. (93 KB)(link no longer available) It is incomplete.
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt,, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt
Version 1.57
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (VC++ lib)(link no longer available)
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt, license.html glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt and the source code
Click here for why the code was open sourced
Version 1.58
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (VC++ lib)
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt, license.html glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt and the source code
Click here for why the code was open sourced
No Linux version. This version is in the works.
Version 1.60
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (VC++ lib)
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt, license.html glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt and the source code
Click here for why the code was open sourced
No Linux version. This version is in the works.
Version 1.61
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (VC++ lib)
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt, license.html glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt and the source code
Click here for why the code was open sourced
No Linux version. This version is in the works.
Version 1.62
Here's the ZIP file containing the Win32 library. (VC++ lib)
Files included : All Functions.rtf, copyright.txt, license.html glhlib.dll, glhlib.lib, glhlib.h, Readme (New!).txt and the source code
Click here for why the code was open sourced
No Linux version. This version is in the works.


Home Page My Home Page, the root of everything on this server.
The GLU Library The GLU library for OpenGL. Download the latest version!

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This page is
Graphics Library Helper aka glh
Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Vrej M. All Rights Reserved.