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Descend into my mind;


graphic design portfolio

,,,Start Transmission,,,,
You are invited to enter a dark lair. You slowly step inside. All that can bee seen is nothing but first. A faint silence is interrupted by loud noise. That's the noise of machines that hold what you see seems to be real. These machines that cover up the truth. You have entered a lair where you can obliterate the flesh to decipher the soul. As neon glow is spinning out from the shadows, the neon flashes burst. You can see the dimensions of the lair: rusty steel sides and binary code sequences in the neon. You feel the presence of a spirit is trying to communicate with your realm. Syntax interruptions fade in and out. The large gears and cranks distract you as you search for this presence. You notice in the corner, on the top right, glowing words quoting "Descend into my mind."

[Site News]


OCT 1 '07:Some fixes, working on new layout and Graphic Design Portfolio page as well as added networking portfolio link.







Personal site by Vix Content&Graphics©2005