thank you all

The Gimps would like to thank the following for the things they have done for us in our conquest to ruin shows and pawn ourselves off as a band to get into shows for free.

Greg and Laurie Kane
-for not kicking us out of their basement, cause we really deserved it, and for giving us someplace to fit Dylans monster of a drum set.

Ray Spanjer
-The originals had our first gig in his store and he didnt even kick our ass for a 12 foot window collapesing. Plus hes the coolest guy you could ever meet.

Bob Gallagher (4000 Holes)
-Giving us a chance to record cause we are cheap and putting up with our shit in that tiny, tiny room.

Cafe Sole (RIP)
-For giving us all a place to spend our summers and getting us all into the scene. Derreck is truly a God among men.

The Shoebombers
-Side by side until the bitter end...

The Secks
-For creating Asscor's creepy, drunken cousin with the lazy eye, asscore

Jesus 2000
-For teaching us all that the Western Hemisphere is the Dancinest Hemisphere there is, Rainbow suspenders are a cool way to keep your pants up, and how to give someone a nosebleed in 1 easy to do lesson. (thanks again)

Brittany "Buddafuco" Noll
-For being a true fan... or at least pretending to be cause your obligated to.

Jeremy "Hand-Cuffs" Rouse
-For teaching us that no matter hard you try, youll never be as good as him at anything.

Jacob "The Boot" Jones
-The political "big daddy" that taught us all to take a stand and show the man that we mean business... or something like that.

The Hills
-They are all great, they really really are... except the cop. *Chris-they're all cops dude.* Carson- Oh right, right.

Josh Gealon
-because you asked to be here...

-We all miss you very much. Florida is a hole anyway...come home.

-For the garage....the cold, cold garage.

BlackCat Fireworks
-Where would we be without you?

-Keep up the good work!

The Simpsons


-Cause that's really what it's all about, right? Hamers?

The Bronx
-...jesus christ...

-Our little sister, and favorite Mallory. Please come Home.

J to the essica
-for that one thing you did, that one time, at that place. Remember?

-for making us look like we know what we might be doing (which we don't)

-yeah, right.

Monarch Vodka
-man, i sure could use a shot right now...

-the country not its people (hows that taste New Jack?)

The Congrigation
-For we are many...

Our fans
-all 6 of you (including Buddafuco).

The Creeps, Scatterbox, American Zero (RIP), The Rock-Ness Monsters, MANG, and The Federales
-Give yourselves a hand...

Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers, Dracula, The Zombie Nation, Bela Lagosi, Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, George Romero, Wes Craven, and Troma Entertainment
-...again, ladies and gentlemen, give them a hand!

and a special "Thanks for nothin'" to:
The Marines
-For tricking Chris into your ranks. Have fun champ...

and finally...

Our Families
-cause i'm pretty sure that there is a law somewhere that says we have got to.

If you did not find your name here and believe that deep down, you fought for the cause, go to hell you pretentious bastard.

Thanks for coming. Don't forget to tip your waitress.