support music, not money.

So maybe I am stepping out of line here, and maybe this will cause some kind of ruckus among the "scene" here in Spokane, but maybe that is what it needs, and hey, isn't Asscor about making shit up as you go?

Have you ever been to a local venue and noticed a few faces that look unfamiliar to you, and you think for a minute, "Hey, it's good to see some new folks coming to a show. I hope they have a good time and come back." Here is the sad truth kids. YOU WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN! I'm not sure if it's the scene itself or something about Spokane, but miraculously, after a single show, people seem to fall off the face of the planet and shant never return. I have spent many a show pondering this strange occurance and have come up with a few possibilities for their un-timely departure.

1. They came to see their friends band AKA groupies AKA Leeches
Yeah, we all know its true. They are out there, and at one time or another, we were guilty of it. We go to a show because we get a flyer handed to us by some kid with a studded belt and emo glasses, and we notice that our buddies band is set to play. If you go to support them, that is just fine, but for fucks sake, stay for all the bands. Its just common curtiousy. You've seen it. You sit up front and listen to the first 2 bands, when out of nowhere, 62 girls and 14 guys materialize around you and suddenly, you realize they all go to school with you and wonder what the hell they are doing here. You glance up and there they are. They play for 45 minutes, and everyone looks to be having a good time (except the drama queen who CANT PUT DOWN HER FUCKIN' CELL PHONE!). A pit gets going, some lame ass gets knocked down and all the new kids don't know what to do, so you help them out. Looks like the scene made some major ground tonight, right?


As the hiss from the last notes echo off the walls, a lone tumble-weed staggers behind you and you are alone. The next band comes up and looks into the empty foreground, rubbing their eyes, as if playing tricks on them. This has definetly got to piss other people off, not just me and the band. Pay attention to the other bands, so that you may see them again if you hear something you like. I can't bitch and moan enough about how big a leech 75% of bands and their groupies are to the scene.

So you just paid 5$ to see a show, and none of the bands really struck gold with you. It's 5 bucks champ, not a kidney. Experiment with the scene. If a band looks or sounds interesting, check up on them and get a few friends to come along. At worst, you're out a 5 spot, and you know what bands not to see.

Not on a label so not worth your time? Fuck you anyway.

4.Some kind of Black-hole
Now, I have not completely ruled this one out yet, it has some solid base for arguement. I mean, WHAT THE FUCK IS GIONG ON HERE!?

5.Labels (cont.)
Some people, for whatever reason, simply will not go to a show, due to the fact it features one of the following; Metal Heads, Emo Kids, Punks, Goths, Thugs, Tools, Damns,_______________ and so on and so forth. I'm not too sure when music became a clique, but get off your freakin' high-horse. If you want to go, just go. If you think you'll piss someone off because you dress differently from them or don't like their specific music genre, guess what? THEY DON'T CARE! It's true. I see a kid sporting a Blink 182 shirt, too bad for him he's out 18 bucks at Hot Topic, but I hope he enjoys the show and wises up to bullshit MTV. If you don't start shit, you won't get it, Capeche?

6.Back to that Black-Hole thing
I am really not joking with this. There is this suspicious alleyway outside the Detour, I call it "The Home", there's just something about it, you know? Anybody have that Steven Hawking guys phone number? He may want to check this place out...

So there you have it. Chances are I will add to this as my mind clears up from rest, it's 3:34 a.m. right now. Prime Time to piss me off. ~Lando~
PS-I apologize for using the term "Capeche".

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