
"The trees and wind speaks with ageless wisdom. Listen."

.A mere shadow amoung the trees, black encasing cloak, silent footsteps, piercing gaze, tranquil expression.

Raven, an elf following the druidic path. A raven totem guides her. She is skilled in the arts of magic and archery.

Species: Elf

Gender: Female

Age: Over 1000

Colors: Pale skin, sky blue eyes, dirty blonde hair

Size: Tall and slim

Relations: Unknown

Companions: Elemental, Halrodel, Sheik

Love interest: There might be one, for an elf only chooses once.

Weapon: Magick, animal aid, RavenClaw long bow, dagger


.Magick of earth, fire, water, light, air.

.Calls and speaks to the animals.

.Has a spirit raven.

.Alert, quick decisions.

.Follows with friends, does not lead.

Current status: Traveling with Halrodel, Sheik, and Elemental. Shade is after them, for they have retrieved their stolen belongings.