All works below are copyright of their respective authors. They may NOT be reproduced in ANY form without permission.

If you have any poetry that you want to display on this page, or if you want to give feedback on any that is already here, please mail me.

The Dark Divide
written by Chris Corvus

The dark divide
Darker than the night
Stretches out before my eyes
The divide between Life and Death
That love has never crossed
Divided victims, cruelly torn apart
The hallowed sanctity of life, cast into the dark chasm
Forever lost
Black wings split the darkness
Bearing the deep glow of love
Black eyes burning with vengeance
A razor-sharp scream pierces the silence
A hand rises from the ashes
To put the wrong things right

The Final Countdown
written by Chris Corvus


It's come to this


Five million people joined together to witness the end


Most would say that existence is ending before it's time


But who are we to decide?


Even the birds have fallen silent


The only sound that can be heard now is a deathly whispered countdown


All eyes are skyward as the sun is eclipsed for the last time


A sinister dusk creeps across the planet's surface


What is waiting for us on the other side?


Every soul on earth draws breath for the last time


The Witches
written by Aldis Quinlan

In our time, our cities have become giants of concrete and steel
Organised by computers and electronic technology
Man feels safe in the knowledge that he can control his environment
And that science, maths and logic have and can explain almost everything

Yet... there are still phenomena and occurences which exist that simply cannot be explained
But can be harnessed and manipluated by those who seek to
With an open mind
With love and trust in their hearts
And passion in their souls

We are the Witches, hear our song

written by Chris Corvus

A Life, Our Life
Always Together
Drawing Strength From One Another
Five billion bodies, One Mind
Locked In, Locked Up, Locked Out
Inventing Life
A poisoned mind
Creating Stories
This is our game
Someone is driving you insane, it's everyone
Tried a little witchcraft
Trying to be invisible
My Perception, Your Perception, Colliding
A passing breeze across the sky
Stares and Signals
Burning inside
This is our life
Who will give in
You or me
A division beyond and between
Only one should lose
We once were two
We two made one
Through life or death be one

The Pit
written by Chris Corvus

Silently we advance forward
Two dark warriors
Within striking distance of our goal
As we edge ever closer
The great hulk looms out of the mist
A mere derelict shadow of its former glory
It now stands as a tribute to the purpose that it once served
Since then, words cannot begin to describe the horrors that took place here
We pause momentarily and gaze upon it's now fragile sense of foreboding
Plundered, raped and pillaged by generations past
We advance forward into uncertainty
Not stopping to look back