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If you are planning on coming here to start confusion, i suggest that
you find another room because you are in the wrong one, no
doubt. This is a atmospere of peace at a very calm climate. I
will do whatever is nessesary to keep it that way. Be advised that
the art of avatar painting can be beautiful and challenging, at the
same time difficult and time consuming. If you dont have time to
wait if nessesary then AGAIN i suggest that you find another room
I don't have any pampers and baby bottles on hand for all of the
cry-babies, haters and whiners that prey upon the rightheous in
vp. We come here to express our art and try to help if we can,
Not to hold some grown-assed child's hand. We don't mind if you
lounge-out or get painted, scroll gestures or whatever. Just have
some respect for all of us and you will get the same. Also be
advised that we make very good use of the ig button and wear
our boots daily.

PPaint Award 00

Paint Award 99

Site Award

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