Vista al Mar
No. 210 Ave 37 e/ 2 y 4 - Punta Gorda (near Hotel Jagua)
Cienfuegos, Cuba
English Version | Spanish Version | Cienfuegos Weather
A beautiful home situated on the water with a wonderful view of the bay. Trudi is your hostess for the duration of your stay. Whether 1 day or 1 month, "Vista al Mar" has a pricing package for you.
Bedroom, Living Room, Private Shower (w/ Hot Water), A/C, Refrigerator in room (beverage service available in room). Patio/Beach area directly behind house. Meal service available (your choice of menu). Secure Parking
$25/day 1-13 days
$20/day 14-29 days
$15/day 30 days or more.
*all prices in USD
We will listen to price suggestions.
Contact Trudi
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