About Me
Welcome to my homepage.

As you can tell, the picture to the right is actually not of myself.  I don't actually approve of putting pictures of oneself online because there are too many ... what's the word? special people out there that may take... liberties.

I actually never quite know what to put on homepages.

I just figure it's a nexus for all the other sites that I have actually made, or that I'd want to visit, and just for simplicity's sake, you put it on one page.  And, the pages a person visits does say a lot about them.

Beyond that, I'll just put a little about myself...

My favorites include:

color: black, blue, green

activity: reading fanfiction, reading in general, hitting bookstores often to see if my favorite authors have come out with new books, I do enjoy sleeping, but I who can actually say they don't, I like learning new things, currently I'm learning Japanese, but that's more or less because I like watching anime and I don't like reading subs.

author: Eric S. Nylund ( which is starting to change because most of his books are out of print and he's starting to write the stories for XBox games, eg. HALO), but he is brilliant when he does write.  I suggest Game of Universe, because that's my all time favorite book.

book: Well, as stated above, Game of Universe (which is out of print and I lost my version of it!!!!.... that's outrage for you)

If you want to know more than, you can just visit my xanga (link to the right).  Technically, I can't really even think of anything else to put.

My Links:
My Xanga
My Info:
Courteney Geraldez
Links I Use:
Lycos Mail
Yahoo Mail
USC Mail
USC homepage
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