Madeline's Special Pictures
This page is dedicated to ME.  These are the special pictures mommy and daddy have taken of ME.  Check ME out frequently for new additions.
Mommy took me to the firestation.  What I really wanted to do was to drive the truck!!
Daddy took me to the Teddy Bear Clinic.  My teddy bear had a sore throat so I gave it a shot...Nice payback for ALL THE SHOTS I GET!!
Guess what my special birthday surprise was??  I got hair chopped off (mom was tired of fighting the tangles, etc)  I think I look much cuter with short hair (look at the cruise pictures)
I love to help Mommie and Daddy bake...especially when I can get a taste, or two or three of the icing.
This used to be Mommie's apron..but now it's all mine...I can't get dirty while I cook, right?