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    New Developments with Crenicichla

    • March 2009 - 'An Introduction to Crenicichla celidochilus' published in Buntbarsche Bulletin Issue # 250, Journal of the American Cichlid Association.

    • Feb 2009 - Sven Kullander describes Crenicichla mandelburgeri from the Parana River drainage in Paraguay.

    • Dec 2008 - Jorge Casciotta and Adriana Almiron describe Crenicichla tesay from the Rio Iguazu basin of Argentina.

    • Aug 2008 - Carmen Montana et al. describe Crenicichla zebrina from Rio Ventuari in upper Orinoco.

    • 2007 - Carlos Lucena describes Crenicichla empheres and Crenicichla hardostigma from upper Rio Uruguay drainage.

    • 2006 - Jorge Casciotta, Adriana Almiron and Sergio Gomez describe Crenicichla yaha from Rio Iguazu and Arroyo Urugua-i basin of northeastern Argentina.

    • 2006 - Sven Kullander and Carlos Lucena describe Crenicichla igaupina, Crenicichla maculata and Crenicichla tingui from the atlantic coastal rivers of southeastern Brasil from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul.

    • May 3, 2001 - Crenicichla missioneira collected in Uruguay are now in my tanks! The C. minuano and C. gaucho were left behind in a Fisheries office in Uruguay since it was the first time either species was collected in Uruguay. C. vittata and C. punctata that I caught are also with me now but these have been improrted to the US before.

    • March 25, 2001 - I just got back from a collecting trip to Uruguay. We explored Uruguay's northern border along Argentina and Brazil. We collected 7 species of pike cichlids, 3 of them (C. missioneira, C. minuano and C. gaucho) have never been exported before. I hope to post an article here on the trip with some scanned slides. A target species, C. celidochilus whose locality we could not get to, was not collected...may be next time.

    • March 25, 2001 - In a recent DATZ issue, Uwe Werner introduced the smallest pike cichlid ever - C. sp Erepecuru from Rio Erepecuru and Rio Cumina in Brazil. I'll report more as I find out.

    • December 5, 2000 - Part 4 of my series on pike cichlids in Cichlid News magazine is on the stands. This article covers the giant pikes of the lugubris group. Part 5 (on reticulata group pikes) will be delayed until the middle or end of 2001. I've been too busy changing jobs, buying a home and moving. There may be a part 6 (coastal lacustris, missioneira and scotti groups) depending on what we catch in Uruguay in March.

    • September 23 - Part 3 of my series on pike cichlids has hit the stands. This one is on dwarf pikes.

    • September 15 - C. jegui and C. sp. aff. jegui found in Los Angeles, California. Some find a home in my tanks.

    • C. cincta juveniles spotted in St. Louis. Missouri.

    • I'm giving a lecture to Ohio Cichlid Association in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday September 1st, 2000. Hope some of you can make it. Here is their link.

    • Eco-diastaer in Rio Iguassu, Brazil. Brazilian petroleum company PetroBras(sic?) had a spill of about a million gallons of crude oil onto Rio Iguassu. Thousands of fish, birds and many Capibaras have been reported dead. Farmers have had to move their livestock away from the river and many people have evacuated the area due to the noxious fumes. Efforts to control the spill have been met with limited success and if their attemps fail, the spill could affect Rio Parana and possibly the national part at Iguassu Falls. The company will be fined $28 million. It was fined $21 million recently for another spill. Rio Iguassu has a few pikes, including the unexported C. iguassuensis and about 3 endemic, undescribed Crenicichla species.

    • Mets Westra of Roden, The Netherlands has bred C. proteus and has some fry available. (

    • Don (Z-man) Zilliox has spawned the real C. saxatilis and will most likely be bringing some 1-inch fry to the ACA convention in Cleveland. I won't be able to make it this year.

    • July 1 - Jeff Rapps is a proud owner of four C. vittata from Uruguay. I believe he is the only one with this species in North America. Hopefully we'll see some fry soon.

    • June 19 - The latest issue of Cichlid News has Part 2 of my series of articles on Pike Cichlids. It's on the saxatilis group. It is very hard to write an authoritative piece on saxatilines because there are so many unknowns (read editorial quicksand) but I had to take a swing at it. I am, however, a little ashamed of the picture on the cover - it was one of my early shots and you can see PVC tubes, algae and even the tank frame...damn! The pictures on the inside are a little more recent and nicer. The photo of the female C. lepidota is incorrectly labeled as a male. The next issue will contain an article on dwarf pikes. It is an updated version of the article found on this site.

    • April 30 - Another dwarf pike article on DATZ (5/2000) by Christoph Seidel 'Crenicichla urosema Ein "Zwerghecht" aus dem Rio Tapajos. I just love saying "ZWERGHECHT!"...."At ease!"

    • April 18 - Ian Tapp of Atlanta, Georgia has successfully spawned the Orange pike! More details.

    • April - The latest issue of Cichlid News magazine has an article on pike cichlids. It is an introduction to Crenicichla (Part 1 of 5) authored by yours truly.

    • April 9. Chuck Rambo of San Jose, California has C. regani fry

    • April 8. I just acquired a couple of C. punctata, imported from Uruguay.

    • The 4/2000 issue of DATZ features a dwarf pike cichlid on the cover with an article on some new Crenicichla by Uwe Werner. It is titled Noch unbekannte Hechtbuntbarsche aus Purus und Madeira. Click here for the link to the text portion of the article. The article deals with C. sp. Maici-Mirim, collected outside Humaita along the Rio Madeira and also a new species closely related to C. acutirostris. This new species, C. sp. aff. acutirostris "Madeira" seems to have a different shaped mouth (from a picture Frank Warzel showed me). If any of you would care to translate and summarize the article for this site, it would be appreciated.

    • March 26. I purchased C. percna!! This fish was imported by a facility in Los Angeles and was being offered for sale at $90 each (wholesale). They money came out of my wallet even before my brain could process the information. Good thing - because if I had listened to my brain, I would have come home with some feeder goldfish instead. It was a bad day for my wallet - I also bought six undescribed Bujurquina that look like B. robusta but they have a deep orange band along the lateral line. Gorgeous. Also, I bought a bunch of Crenicara punctulata. Isn't this why God invented Mastercard? Hee-hee!

    • March 2000 - Wayne Leibel's column in TFH was entirely dedicated to this site - he gave a flattering review. Thanks, Wayne!

    • February 2000 - Mike Zebrowski of Michigan observes spawns from his Xingu Orange Pikes but no hatching or fry.

    • February 2000 - Mike Zebrowski observes courting betwen his Xingu 3 pair, but only during early morning and late evening.

    • February 2000 - Jeff Rapps imports some C. lepidota and three forms/species of 'Cichlasoma' facetum-group.

    • Jeff Rapps is now offering C. lepidota and C. scotti.

    • Ah! Now this is real gossip. I heard that a new book on Geophagines is set to be published in German and English. To be published by Cichlid Press. Release date: October 2000.

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    Latest update: 25 March 2009
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