EVOLUTION             VS              THE BIBLE

Assumptions:                            Assumptions:   
1. There is no God (atheism);           1. In the beginning, God created
   or,if a god exists, he/she/it left   2. Revelation (God's Word) is the key 
   no trace of any creative activity       to the past
2. The present is the key to the past   3. We were created by God
3. We are here by chance

Mechanism:                              Mechanism:
1. Random mutation with natural         1. Intelligent design 
   selection                            2. Universe/life created in six 
2. Life appeared and gradually             ordinary days approximately
   diversified over billions of years      6,000 years ago
3. No global flood covered the earth    3. Noah's flood covered the entire

Order of Appearance:                    Order of Appearance:
(also for 'progressive creation')           
1. Matter always existed or just        1. God created matter
   appeared                             2. Earth created before sun/stars
2. Sun/stars existed before Earth       3. Light created before sun
3. Sun is Earth's first light           4. First life =  land plants 
4. First life = marine organisms        5. Birds pre-date land reptiles
5. Reptiles pre-date birds              6. Whales pre-date land mammals
6. Land mammals pre-date whales         7. Disease/death result from 
7. Disease/death precede man                man's sin 

Implications:                           Bible Teaches:
1. No life after death                  1. Man's spirit will live forever
2. Our present life is all there is     2. God wants us to live with Him 
3. Man is the highest authority            forever
4. Self-fulfillment is the highest      3. God is the highest authority
   priority of man                      4. Love of God, and obedience to His
                                           Word is the highest priority of

Logical Consequence:                    Logical Consequence:
1. God is reduced to a creation of man  1. God is the all-powerful Creator
2. God is removed from public life      2. God is honored in public life
3. Man determines right and wrong       3. God determines right and wrong
4. Civil laws written by the group      4. Civil laws based on God's law
   with most (political) power

    Source: geocities.com/vinclub