V-Incorporated Enterprises
"by the hand of God"

I chose the name V-Incorporated Enterprises because it can be shortened to V INC.ENT. or VINCENT which in Latin means "to overcome".

VINCENT is a diversified, self-sufficient, self-perpetual, benevolent, non-profit organization designed to help the poor in their immediate situations and to help the needy overcome poverty, working in conjunction with the existing organizations in our community.

This organization will be made possible because of the success of Pillar and Base Productions, Inc. The funds will be used first by purchasing good farmland to grow food for the hungry. Upon this land we will also build an alternative energy complex to house our administration, offer emergency housing and training centers designed to help people in our community to overcome poverty.

Here are some of the works before us:

1. We will grow food and provide it for the hungry. Greenhouses will also be utilized.

2. We make sure that everyone who needs shoes and proper clothing gets it.

3. We will provide emergency housing for those in need.

4. We will have an education and training center to help people secure jobs.

5. We will offer small business and emergency grants to the needy.

6. We will offer a free health and dental clinic.

7. We will also offer job opportunities.

Although this organization will mostly be funded by Pillar and Base Productions, Inc., we are still open to donations of any size for these works. Please make all checks and money orders payable to "V-Incorporated Enterprises". Thank you for your support.

V-Incorporated Enterprises
C/O Vincent Owens
236 Parkway Dr.
Mansfield, Oh 44906

"I don't think the poor are looking for mansions or yachts. They will be happy with cloths on their backs, a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and a way to provide and save a little for the future."