
It's a funny thing isn't it?

Seriously, if you haven't. When you get time... Hah, time, another funny thing, but that's besides the point. Anyway, when you get time, just sit back and watch people. Watch the way they move, what they do, how they act. It's something I like to do recently.

I'm sure it sounds creepy, but really. Watching human behavior is one of the most fascinating things you will ever come across. You will never see it all when it comes to people. There will always be someone out there to do something you never expected.

But that's just one part of life.

The way things pan out is what I'm thinking about.

I never been one to worry about a higher power or even consider it. It just isn't all that important to me. Most people live this way, or they believe in their all mighty being but follow his rules... Scratch that, his guidelines. Most people have their own agenda's and things they need to take care of, before they can be bothered to deal with guidelines someone they have never met, has set for them.

There is those times though, when you can do nothing but sit back and wonder why something happened.

Nine times out of ten, someone will tell you everything happens for a reason.

I have trouble believing that merely because, what could possibly lead to the death of someone who couldn't possibly deserve it? What reason is there for the innocent bystander to get shot down in cold blood. What reason is there for a new born child to die?

Nine times out of ten, you won't get an answer.

It's God's will? Who the fuck is God to take away these people. The creator? The all mighty? Bullshit.

God is the fear inside most people so they live good lives. That's all God is. Nothing more.

Nothing needs a reason to happen, they just do. Whether you like it or not, that's the truth. If you think otherwise, you're wrong. Simple as that, I need no further explanation.

Maybe you think I'm getting a little of course, what does this have to do with anything? For what reason did Vincent Kane just go on a rant? There has to be a reason?

Does their?

I'm not the normal Vincent you all have grown to love. Not now. I'm not calm, cool, and collected. I'm a little on edge actually. These stories I've been giving to all of you, have finally hit a nerve with me. This next story, is close to my heart and it hurts to tell it every time. I substitute my sorrow with anger because that is what I do.

But without further ado, this is the beginning of hitting bottom.

It was just like any other grunt job that I'd been working. Standing around in my suite watching over the floor as the people of importance sat and ate. I normally scanned the surrounding crowd as soon as we entered an establishment. Look around and see if there could be anyone that might be a problem on the grounds already. Nothing on this night. Anyone that walked in seemed to just ignore the crowd in the middle of the fine establishment with bodyguards all around. It was like they were used to seeing this kind of thing, which doesn't surprise me. These days seeing more personal security isn't anything different, it's just the thing to do if you have something to hide.

Security was always out of earshot of the table, but close enough to react if anything ever happened. We weren't allowed to talk to each other and we weren't allowed to look anyone in the eye who was at the table we were watching.

It's just the rules.

We don't question the rules.

It was probably the easiest money anyone could make. If you knew how to defend yourself, regardless of how, you could make quick cash playing bodyguard. You had to be good in order to get into high society protection though. There was four of us on this night, which is usually way more then you need, so we knew something was askew right away. We didn't know what, but four of the best in the world is a little much for just any dinner meeting.

I couldn't tell you how long we were going to be standing there, it didn't matter anyway, we weren't paid by the hour. I could tell you though, if you didn't use the bathroom before hand. You're fucked.

You lose track of time while standing there in silence, it's rare you are occupied with anything other then watching the people around the joint. So it just becomes second nature and you don't even realize you're doing it.

That's when I noticed something different.

There was another entourage of people coming into the establishment. I don't know who they were, this didn't happen all that often. Normally when one person of power has chosen an establishment, it's blocked off to anyone of equal or less power to avoid confrontations.


This must have been why there was four of us.

The problem though, is there was more of them. I couldn't count how many but there was much more security for whoever was entering then we had on our own. I knew some of the fella's on duty with the group coming in. Most of them were small time, probably why there was more. However, there was a few I had never seen before but they looked big. In this business, it doesn't matter how big you are if you don't know how to move or restrain someone. Defensive Combat Submission is what most of us are trained in. Normally with some Sambo as well. It's great for restraining and controlling a situation. Most of the time, any other style could be penetrated easily, but anyone with enough knowledge in Sambo and DCS could stop just about anyone out on the streets.

All at once, the four of us staked out what was coming in passed us, at a table no more then twenty feet from where we were. This could easily turn into the worst night of our life.

Plenty of security, no idea who they were for, but there was alot.

The people we were supposed to be protecting didn't even take a second glance. It was like they knew that this was going to happen so they didn't even bother to take a second look.

Maybe they were talking about it though, I honestly couldn't tell you. It didn't matter though.

Once the other group of security was set up, one of them gave a nod and their children walked through the room to their table.

Children, in the business, we call the people we are protecting children.

It was a young couple, I had no idea who they were. Obviously important people though. The man was probably some young hot shot entrepreneur and the women... The most stunning female I've ever laid eyes on. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, her everything was perfect.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

She noticed.

I caught a smile from her as she passed by, my expression never changed by my eyes never left hers as she walked by and smiled. It took a lot to get me off my game back then but she did it.

From where I was positioned, I could see their table just fine, I had a perfect view of this stunning young women. It was a pleasant change of pace for a night. I had been exposed to women who weren't too hard on the eyes throughout my whole life, but nothing like this.

If I was a poet, you'd understand.

The night went on like any other night aside from the oddity of having two sets of guards in one room. It wasn't anything unusual apparently, it seemed somewhat planned. The fact that our children paid no mind to it is what made it confusing. Normally in this situation, someone would be getting fired or possibly be taken out back.

But then it all made sense.

Just as we were about to make our exit and call it a night, one of my children approached me. He was a pretty important fella, I've dealt with him a few times in the passed and on this night, he requested I be on site. I wasn't sure why until now.

I was always the last to leave a pack, at the back so I could watch all angles and no one could get in from behind. It was just my style, but before falling into his place, the man, who will remain nameless, leaned into me and whispered.

"You're not finished."

I was confused but listened, he was the boss tonight.

"The back table, it's my daughter and her soon to be fiancee."

I wasn't sure why I cared, until. "All of those are his security, your hers. Get to work."

I wasn't sure at the time either, but I'm not one to disobey orders. After making sure the children left safely, I went back and made my way to the back table. The security was doing their job, they stopped me, one of which whispered in this gentlemen at the tables ear, and his eyes met mine.

"Who are you?" He asked, if first impressions mean everything, I hated this guy.

I looked at the young women, who I've been watching all night, "I work for her." The man turned his eyes to her and she nodded. He made some hand motion and the rest of the guys just moved aside.

I was still unsure of exactly what was going on but I made my way to her side of the table and stood behind her. I kept my distance like I'm supposed to, but close enough to react.

Why would I have to be here if her boyfriend had security?

It never occurred to me that I was protecting her from him.