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Encouraging Quotes and Excerpts
Remarkable Quotes and Excerpts from famous people and personal experience.
Intended to give us hope, strength and piece of mind during hard times.
Inspirational, motivational, encouraging,
Words that heals

Encouraging Stories
(Indonesian and English text)
Thoughtful, Inspirational, Motivational stories for the soul.
Included new stories that has not been  publicly known.

(Indonesian and English text)

Milinda Panha
(Indonesian text, Large Files)
Perdebatan antara Nagasena dengan Raja Milinda. Sebuah karya sastra yang mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang sering dilontarkan oleh umat Buddha.

Kebijakan Sejati
(Indonesian text, Large Files)
Ini adalah sebuah buku tentang upaya menghadapi hidup, tentang
bersahabat dengan diri kita sendiri dan dunia kita, tentang kemampuan
menerima situasi yang menggembirakan maupun yang menyakitkan, situasi untuk
“tidak meninggalkan” sesuatu. Isi buku ini mendorong kita agar bangkit
seutuhnya terhadap apa pun dan agar kita menggunakan unsur-unsur
kehidupan sehari-hari yang kaya dan berlimpah sebagai guru kebatinan dan pemandu
utama kita.

The Key of Immediate Enlightenment
(Suma Ching Hai, Zip file)
“Our teaching is that whatever you have to do in this world, do
it, do it whole-heartedly. Be responsible and also meditate every
day. You will get more knowledge, more wisdom, more peace, in
order to serve yourself and serve the world. Do not forget that
you have your own goodness inside you. Do not forget that you
have God dwelling within your body. Do not forget that you
have Buddha within your heart.”

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