Review of the June 2, 2000 Slaughter Concert

This past Friday, June 2nd Slaughter came to town! (A pretty big group in the early 90's in case ya didn't know...) My friend Nicole has been WILD for Slaughter years, more specificly for Mark Slaughter, the lead singer. They were going to be at a bar in town, and I told Nyc that when that happens, you almost always get to meet the band afterward! Well that pretty much sealed that she was goin. Nyc's not really into doing things by herself, so I ended up going w/her.

The doors opened at 8, and we got there about 20 mins till then, but realized I'd forgotten my camera!! We raced to my house and back and still got there before the doors opened. Woo-hoo for fast driving!

We had a BALL! We sat there a few mins and had a (non-alcoholic) drink. Then I kinda bullied Nyc into going up and standing by the stage so we'd have a good place to see. (Ok, maybe I didn't "bully" her, but I felt like I was...) We ended up being 2nd row in the mid-right.

The concert started about 9 w/the first band "Enever." I'd never heard of them before (I think they're a nationally signed act though) but I really enjoyed them. Hard rock/metal-ish band. Their drummer was hotti-biscotti, so I took a pic of him. :) [The pic didn't turn out]

Then was Diner Junkies, who are a local band. They've improved a bit since I last saw them. Thank goodness! But I had a total "Ty would be so proud!" moment when thier singer sang something about "she's my girl" or something while looking at me. Nyc said he was kinda scary, but I just thought he was *really* stoned. And they played this really fun song "Put me in Rehab!" So much fun and LOTS of audience participation. And when they took the stage, Nyc said to me "What's UP w/all these cute drummers?!" to which I replied "We can't help it..." *G* [I'm a drummer too for those who didn't know]

Then in was Slaughter time!!

Of course, Nyc was in heaven because we were maybe 4 feet from Mark! My personal favorite had always been Blas, the drummer. He was always just so damn cute!! Plus, he had the drummer-thing goin' for him...

Dana Strum, bassist, was *right* in front of me. He was busy letting the skanks skank on him. At one point he stuck his finger by this skank's mouth and she deep throated it (as much as you can DT a finger I guess). *blech!* AND he was blocking my view of Blas!! But when I DID get to see Blas, it was awesome. He's SOO much fun to watch drum! He just looks like he is having the best time ever! And there were times when he wasn't playing (like btwn songs and stuff) when he'd just lean on his drums. Yummy. And I kept trying to make eye contact, but wasn't having much luck. But then at one point, something or other was going on and I pointed at Blas and he saw me and looked at me and I gave him a big ol' smile and thumbs up. And then he looked at me again a couple times. YAY!

Mark had a goatee (sp??) and had blond highlights under his hair, which looked a little odd, yet good. He seemed to be having quite a good time too and he kept saying they were gonna play all nite, and they almost did it seemed! 11:00-1:30! I'd say the last 30-45 mins they were just playing for thier own fun and played a lot of covers which was lots of fun for me too. Though I didn't see Blas drink any on stage (then again Dana WAS blocking my view a lot), but the rest of them drank quite a bit.

One time when the music was being played, Mark goes over and takes Dana's tequilla and says he's going to drink it, basicly cuz Dana was playing and couldn't stop him! LOL Mark also made a toast to his mom's b'day which was the next day and made a comment about they have a tour bus and driver, but if anyone didn't to be careful and safe w/the drinking. I thought that was very good.

Then later, Mark's doing this big guitar solo and Dana and Blando (guitarist) were having a drink. So Blando's kinda holding this drink in front of Mark, kind of mocking him w/it. He ends up setting in Mark's head and Mark balances it while playing! Then Blando starts doing the fingering/fretting for the guitar and Mark continues to strum/pick while he uses his other hand to take the drink off of his head and drink it! Then he drops the cup on the audience and Nyc HAS THAT CUP!! And she even got him to autograph it after the show! It was so cool!!

So anyway, after the show we run out to Nyc's car and grab out stuff we brought for them to sign and hung out by the bus. Well Blas ends up walking out of the bus and to the backdoor of the club and I try saying something about him being fun to watch drum, but I dont think he heard me very well. (He was walking w/their security guy, who was also very nice and good looking.) But when the get close to the backdoor, he turns around and Nyc thinks he said something about "Hey, are you ready" or something but I think he said "Hey, I recognize you," cuz we DID make eye contact during the show ya know.

So after talking to Security Guy, Blas comes over and I went to shake his hand and told him he was so much fun to watch. As he shakes my hand, he just gave me a big ol' hug too! YAY! That was too cool! So I ask if I can get a pic w/him and Security Guy tells him he needs to get on the bus cuz he still doesn't have a shirt on and he's sweaty and it's cold outside. But Blas told him to wait just a minute and he took the pic w/me anyway! Take that Security Guy! I felt so special... I don't know. I just never met anyone famous like him before. There was something definately different about him. I wouldn't be suprised if he was a Christian. And if he is, I found out his b'day is August 18, 1967 so he is totally in my age range!

So then he went into the bus. A bit later Mark comes out! One of the skanky skanks asks Mark to sign her BUTT! Ewwww! And she said she wanted "the drummer" to sign her butt too. I said "His name is Blas" and she said "I know." Well then why didn't she SAY his name? It's like, people are individuals. Not just titles or whatever. I hate that crap. so anyway, Mark finally gets to the THRILLED Nicole and she got him to sign his cup and her CD. Then I took a pic of them all cuddled up together. Awwww! Nyc really held her cool. I was proud since this was one of her first meetings of famous peole and it's someone she's liked SO much for SO long!

So anyway, Rob (who also went to the show) (No PG, not you, different Rob) and I will be seeing them again later this month in Indy w/Poison! YAY! Now I just hope that I get to meet Blas again. Cuz honestly, he was so nice that after I get a couple pics of Rikki and a pic w/him, I'd be fine to leave him and just go hang w/Blas. He was THAT nice. I always thought he was cute, but now I swoon for him...

See the pics

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