About the y'ddraig
The y'ddraig is part of a international society called the vikings,with membership nearly topping 1000 members.
We re-enact the early medievil past,including living history and battles,around the times of 789AD-1200AD.
Vikings,normans,saxons are what we mainly portray,we bring the past to life.
Pictures from our living history,and one of our best warriors in battle.
There are many groups around the country,some portray vikings from denmark,or those who settled in north\east england.
Other groups portray anglo-saxons.Our group portray the vikings of the celtic fringe around the irish sea.
It can be a fairly cheap hobby,as the poorer saxon whose clothes are basic and weapons like an axe can be bought cheaply.
To a mighty mailed warrior whose richly clothes and expensive sword can put you back many of hundreds of pounds.
From acting dead(which is not as easy as it sounds),to our heroic leader defending our standard
Our members come from all walks of life,no discrimination is made on age or sex,although you do have to be over 18 to fight in combat displays.You must be willing to travel around the country at weekends.
Fight at castles and historical battle grounds,but mainly to have a great time and have fun.
For membership details use the email on the main page or go to our main society page for details.
Don't worry about where you live theres be a group near you.