Tour Information
It is a science --- the study of a lifetime, in which you may exhaust yourself, but never your subject....

Player of the month
Fan of the month
Golf Outing
   Welcome to the Viethackers Golf club

This is our fourth year on the Asian tour.  We have players with different skill level...ranging from Hackers to Hustlers. 

Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC
Founded since 2000
Viethackers's Corner

"I think we should all be grateful to be able to participate in these activities.  Life is full of surprises, no one can predict tomorrow, and many times we cannot understand the past.  Lets use this occasion of friendly competition as an event to get closer to your fellow man and appreciate the opportunity to enjoy some of the simple pleasure that life offers "

Let's welcome a few new members to our club

Duy Duong (ProV)
Chris Nguyen (Radar)
Nick Tran (The Big Nasty)
Calvin Nguyen (The Dentist)

All members plz send your email to
June Events
VAGA Tournament
Location:  PB Dye
Date:  6/1
Time:  8 am

Ryder Cup
Location:  PB Dye
Date:  6/8
Time: 8am