Navy Pictures

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This is a picture of the USS Lousiana. This picture was used on the CNN website.

This picture was taken of a sub after patrol in drydock.

This picture was taken of the USS Maine coming in after a patrol.

A Marine Boxer falls to the ground from the boxing ring in a Navy Marine Corp. Boxing Smoker.

The first picture is a missle and the second is a test missle being fired off the USS Kearsarge LHD-3.

These are LCAC's off the bow of the USS Kearsarge LHD-3.

This is a picture of the USS Kearsarge LHD-3 taken by Charles Askew. This was 3rd and hopefully last ship.

This is a picture of the USS Emory S.Land AS-39. It was the second Navy ship I was on.

This is a picture of the USS Charleston LKA-113 off the coast of Turkey. It was the first ship that I was on.

This is a picture of Trident Training Facilities pipe patching trainer in Kings Bay, Ga.

This is a picture of of me driving a Ballistic Missle Submarine.

This is a picture of the Ballistic missle display at the Submarine Base, Kings Bay Georgia.


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