Darren Elford
My name is Darren Elford and I was born 14 June 1978.  I have lived in the greater Ottawa region since 1989 and I started playing clarinet in September 1990.  I joined a military band in 1997 and I have been playing with that band ever since.  In 2003 I graduated Cum Laude from the University of Ottawa with a Baccalaureate in Music with a focus on music education.

My Teaching Philosophy

I believe that a great teacher is one who is willing to help a student improve their outlook on life while giving the student the necessary tools to succeed and have confidence in themselves.  I have wanted to become a teacher since my first year of High School because I had one of these good teachers.  I wish to become a teacher because I enjoy the idea that I have impacted another person?s life in both academics as well as encouraged their personal growth.

Darren Elford
Letters of Reference
Balanced Literacy
Integrating Technology
University of Ottawa Faculty of Education
My Info:
Darren Elford