Dr.Samuel Hahnemann

Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann was born in Germany in the year 1755 in the town of Meissen. His mother was Johanna Christinia and father Fredrich Hahnemann were very poor and could not affordhis education. They were in all three brothers and a sister.

So, after he passed school, they made him work at the pottery. But, because this child of theirs was so intelligent, that his teachers without accepting any fees for his schooling gave him absolutely free education. He was a favourite student of Master Muller.

After he passed his school and finished his college, he went on his own to study the school of medicine, where he studied the old school of medicine. Dr. Hahnemann also worked to earn a living while studying. He knew 11 languages.

After he finished his studies at the old school of medicine, he worked at a hospital, which was meant for insane people, and the physician there was so much impressed by his work that he made him his personal assistant and made him accompany him on his personal visists, a thing that he had never done before.

After he finished his studies in medicine, he started practicing the way old school pshysicians were practiciing. But he was highly dissatisfied with the kind of practice the then prevailing

He started translating books and that was the manner while translating Cullen's materia medica in 1790, he discovered Homeopathy by means of experimentation and logical reasoning and opened it to the world in 1796.

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