Victory Weyr
Weyrling Schedule
With Weyrling Training at Victory Weyr we use a "Timewarp" program where they live two months for every one, instead of taking a turn Pern Time, we take six months Pern Time. At the end of the sixth month, a weyrling will be considered a full rider of at least two turns and their dragon will be full grown. Greens may rise to mate after the eight month, and Golds after the ninth month. Male dragons can participate in mating flights after eight months, but this is discouraged until the rider has reached an appropriate age.

There are a few rules that need to be followed by all weyrlings:

1- Weyrlings are forbidden romantic relationships that go beyond mere feelings. First of all, their life is occupied completely by their growing dragonets and lessons, activities, and drills to become an efficient rider. Save the romance for after Graduation.

2- While in training, all craft lessons are suspended. Like #1, there is no extra time for the weyrlings to focus on their craft training. Crafts lessons can continue after Graduation.

3- All weyrlings are treated equal during training. There will be no pulling rank, understood? Bronzes will be treated the same as blues, and golds the same as greens. All weyrlings need to focus on their training so to become active members of the weyrhold. Rank comes later. (^_~)

4- The Weyrling Barracks are a series of smaller weyrs on ground level. Weyrlings have their own space, but you better not be found in a weyr of the opposite gender after lights out!!

5- The WeyrlingMaster is the boss!! All weyrlings hear his commands and obey them. Disobiedence will be severely punished especially since many of the activities you will learn can be quite dangerous!!

A junior weyrling's day generally starts about sunrise, with feeding, oiling and bathing their dragonet first. For the next two candlemarks, lectures take place and then another feeding at lunch. Lessons and some drills continue until about midafternoon, for another feeding/oiling, then more lessons or drills until dinner. There may be evening lessons or free time after dinner. This time is generally used to studying or cleaning. Bedtime is about 10pm. For senior weyrlings, this schedule differs a bit. Their day starts at 8am with lessons, a feeding around noon if needed, drills in the afternoon, oiling around dinner and light practice afterwards. Bedtime is about midnight.

Month 1

Dragonets eat about 3-4 times a day and their riders must cut up the meat for this each time. Don't worry about having to kill the beast, as the Weyrlingmaster's dragon will do that for you. When they aren't eating, they're either begging to be oiled, due to rapidly growing skin that itches or sleeping. Generally, your dragon will want to be washed at least once daily and oiled twice, particularly after naps. You will have to clean up their messes as well. Emotionally, the dragonets will be focused on their riders and will stay in the barracks most of the time, besides times of feeding and washing. This period is the biggest toil for the weyrling pair as it demands the rider's full attention 24 hours a day. Also, as a rider, there are restrictions as to what you can and cannot do, since a dragonet will understand some of the more adult situations. Absolutely no romantic relationships between weyrlings or with other riders. This goes especially for sex. Weyrlings cannot consume alcohol either. You may not go outside of the Weyrhold without the Weyrlingmaster's permission.

Dragonet Sizes:
Gold- 8-10 feet long
Bronze- 8-9 feet long
Brown- 6-8 feet long
Blue- 5-6 feet long
Green- 5-6 feet long

- Sevenday 1 -

Lesson: Feeding. Weyrlings will be taught about feeding they lifemate, the how, when and what will be taught.
Lesson: Hide care. Weyrlings will be taught about oiling their dragons hide, how to prevent damage to the skin, and how to make their own oil.
Hands On: Weyrlings will go over different Drill Formations, riders will demonstrate in the air, and Weyrlings will practice them on the ground.
Daily Exercises: The Weyrlings pairs will do different act ivies to make themselves strong and healthy.

- Sevenday 2 -

Lesson: Dragonhealing, an introduction to the Craft and common problems with your dragons.
Lesson: The bond between the dragon and the rider, a few games will be played to strengthen the bond.
Hands On: Firestone selection. Weyrlings will be taught how to pick, sort and bag it.
Daily Exercises: The Weyrlings pairs will do different act ivies to make themselves strong and healthy.

- Sevenday 3 -

Lesson: Sexuality. Helping Weyrlings come to grasps with what the color of their dragon means, and the differences between Hold and Weyr.
Lesson: History. Weyrlings learn about the History of Dragons and the riders, as well as the weyr.
Hands On: Threadfall work, helping out on the ground with the Weyrhold Master Dragon Healer.
Daily Exercises: Getting in lines and tossing full bags of firestone down the line.

- Sevenday 4 -

Lesson: DMWh. Learning about the way the Weyrhold is run, the geography, Thread patterns and weather patterns.
Lesson: Riding Straps. Weyrlings learn how to make, protect and repair their own riding straps.
Hands On: Self defense training. Weyrlings will learn to protect themselves if a fight comes in their direction.
Daily Exercises: Getting in lines and tossing full bags of firestone down the line.

Month 2

The dragonets have doubled in size, almost tripled in the case of the larger ones. Their meals are about 3 times a day. Washing and oiling are still once and twice daily as the dragonets are growing rapidly. You must still clean up their messes and cut up meat. Emotionally, the dragonets will be more open to interacting with other dragonets and dragons. Towards the third sevenday of the month, the dragonets will be learning how to fly without a rider. To prepare for this, they will begin swimming exercises daily. Drills of flying first short glides and later longer winged relays will be incorporated. The weyrling pair will practice seeing through each other's eyes, developing a more fluid partnership. Classes focus on wing formations, Thread, patterns of Fall, dragonhealing for Threadscores and firestone. Guest speakers may appear.

Dragonet Sizes:
Gold - 16-18 feet long
Bronze - 15-16 feet long
Brown - 12-15 feet long
Blue - 11-14 feet long
Green - 11-13 feet long

- Sevenday 1 -

Lesson: Threadfall Charts. Weyrleader comes to explain the Threadfall Charts of DMWh in detail.
Lesson: Fighting Straps. New Weyrlings will be assisted by Senior Dragonriders and the Weyr Tanner for this and learn how to make their own fighting straps.
Hands On: Complex Ground Drills. Weyrlings will be taught different formations.
Daily Exercises: Getting in Formation and tossing full bags of firestone back and forth.

- Sevenday 2 -

Lesson: Dragonsight Training: Learning how to hear through the riders and dragons senses.
Lesson: Visualization Training: Learning on how to give very detailed images of places to your dragon to ensure safe trips /between/.
Hands On: Weyrlings will have to come up with their own Ground Drill Formations and try them out.
Daily Exercises: Getting in Formation and tossing full bags of firestone back and forth.

- Sevenday 3 -

Lesson: Threadfall Charts. More in-depth work, the Weyrlings will learn how to read and write their own and each others charts.
Lesson: Equipment and Techniques. Weyrlings will be taught by the Wingseconds and Thirds of the Weyr on the proper use of equipment and different techniques used when fighting Thread, presence mandatory.
Hands On: Dragons take first flights, without their riders to strengthen their wings.
Daily Exercises: Getting in Formation and tossing full bags of firestone back and forth.

- Sevenday 4 -

Lesson: Dragonrider Etiquette. This will be taught to the Weylings by the Lord and Lady Weyrholder. The proper way in which dragonriders are to act when representing their weyr.
Lesson: Politics. Weyrlings will be taught the politic of the Weyrhold and how it is run.
Hands On: Dragons fly longer without riders to strengthen wings further.
Daily Exercises: Getting in Formation and tossing full bags of firestone back and forth.

Month 3

Your dragonets should be eating once or twice a day now. Greens are by far growing the faster and will still need to be oiled more frequently than golds, who are growing at a more steady pace. They sleep regularly now, just a night, and are more engaged with other dragonets. Flight training is continuing for them, with long flights across the Bowl and around the Weyrhold. The dragonets are encouraged to fly whenever possible but not to strain themselves. They can now hunt for themselves as well. More ground firesack drills for the riders, each sevenday getting more complex. Lectures cover mating flights, Dragon First Aid, Threadfall Charts mainly. Riders will take their first flight with their Dragons this month. At the end of this month, the weyrlings will have a two-day hike around the Weyrhold area. This is a time for bonding between riders and learning a bit of the region. Visualization practice comes into play so as to prepare for /between/ing next month.

Dragon Sizes:
Gold- 21-23 feet long
Bronze - 20-22 feet long
Brown - 19-22 feet long
Blue - 16-18 feet long
Green - 15-18 feet long

- Sevenday 1 -

Lesson: Dragon First Aid. The Master Dragonhealer will instruct the Weyrlings at an advanced level.
Lesson: Threadfall Charts. Advanced work on Threadfall charts.
Hands On: Riders practice mounting and dismounting Dragons on ground.
Daily Exercises: Stamina and Endurance. Dragons work on their wings more and Weyrlings work on their strength with bags of firestone.

- Sevenday 2 -

Lesson: Mating Flights. Learning control of not only your dragon but yourself in mating flights.
Lesson: Mating Flights. Continued.
Hands On: First Flights. Weyrlings have a chance to take to the air, but they must have the Weyrlingmaster present.
Daily Exercises: Stamina and Endurance. Dragons work on their wings more and Weyrlings work on their strength with bags of firestone.

- Sevenday 3 -

Lesson: Human First aid. Weyrlings will be taught how to care for themselves encase of an accident.
Lesson: Hunting. Being instructed on hunting with dragons for food and for felines.
Hands On: Ground drills end, and Wing drills begin. All Weyrlings must be present.
Daily Exercises: Stamina and Endurance. Dragons work on their wings more and Weyrlings work on their strength with bags of firestone

- Sevenday 4 -

Lesson: Wing Drills. Keeping in formation and different techniques used.
Lesson: Rescue Drills. What to do in an emergency.
Hands On: Wing drills become more complex and really test the dragons and their riders both physically and mentally.
Daily Exercises: Stamina and Endurance. Dragons work on their wings more and Weyrlings work on their strength with bags of firestone.

Weyrlings are assigned their very own weyrs.

Month 4

Dragons now eat once a day or less. Most don't require oiling nearly as much and even though it seems like the smaller dragons are still growing too rapidly for any end in sight, their growth will being to taper off at the end of this month. Riders are now considered senior weyrlings. Lectures now center on hand signals and different crafts, since the riders will be ending weyrling training soon. For the most part, lectures are fewer and practices become more important. Drills with flying in formation and throwing firestone sacks while in flight begin this month. Restrictions on mildly romantic relationships are now removed and riders are allowed one glass of wine with dinner if they so choose but restrictions upon sex still remain in place. Senior weyrlings are allowed to leave the Weyrhold with the Weyrlingmaster's permission. Dragons learn to skip /between/ this month, first with the rider projecting the coordinates to the Weyrlingmaster's dragon and then trying it on his own dragon. At the end of this month, the group will take a two-day sailing trip, learning about currents and more geography.

Dragon Sizes:
Gold- 29-32 feet long
Bronze- 28-31 feet long
Brown - 27-30 feet long
Blue - 26-30 feet long
Green - 22-25 feet long

- Sevenday 1 -

Lesson: Betweening. The dangers and the precautions that have to be taken.
Lesson: Sweep Rides. Learning about what is involved and what to do in various circumstances.
Hands On: Flying to near by Holds, and transporting people and goods.
Daily Exercises: Flights around the weyr to strengthen wings.

- Sevenday 2 -

Lesson: Formation Flying. Advanced.
Lesson: Team Work. A lecture on working together with your wing.
Hands On: First jumps /between/. Weyrlingmaster must be present at all times.
Daily Exercises: Flights around the weyr to strengthen wings.

- Sevenday 3 -

Lesson: Emergency Situations. Weyrlings will be presented with situations that they would have to deal with.
Lesson: Emergency Situations. Continued.
Hands On: Formation flying, all Weyrlings fly Aerial Drills in the air with their Group leaders.
Daily Exercises: Flights around the weyr to strengthen wings.

- Sevenday 4 -

Lesson: Hand Signals. When mental or verbal speech can’t be used.
Lesson: Other Crafts. To help earn extra marks.
Hands On: Jumping /between/ in groups, lead by the Weyrlingmaster.
Daily Exercises: Flights around the weyr to strengthen wings.

Month 5

Dragon growth this month nears completion for greens and blues and continues steadily for the higher colors until next month. The dragons are now eating every two days or so. Some of the better riders of the group may be asked to ferry people to various places close to the Weyrhold but not /between/. By this time, any green too small to previously carry her rider is now large enough to join the rest of the group. Learning the proper technique to flaming is also taught this month. Queenriders learn about flamethrowers. After both these lessons have been learned, cleaning up the dragon's mess is no longer a problem, as they will naturally do it /between/. Weyrlings begin sweepriding with older dragon pairs towards the end of the month, to learn the geography of the area and to build stamina. To further learn the area, the weyrling will be dropped off at an unknown point and must navigate back to the Weyrhold using a compass or celestial objects.

Dragon Sizes:
Gold - 38-42 feet
Bronze- 32-37 feet
Brown - 32 - 37 feet
Blue - 27-32 feet
Green - 22-27 feet

- Sevenday 1 -

Lesson: Firestone Selection. Which stones to give and which ones not to give a dragon.
Lesson: Feeding Firestone. Weyrlings will be shown with demonstrations on how to feed their dragon's firestone properly.
Hands On: Jumping /between/ greater distances as a whole wing.
Daily Exercises: Formation flying begins, performing ground drills in the air.

- Sevenday 2 -

Lesson: Flaming. Weyrlings will be taught how to flame without putting anyone in danger.
Lesson: Flaming While Flying. Weyrlings will be taught how to flame while flying.
Hands On: Dragons will learn how to chew firestone for the first time.
Daily Exercises: Formation flying begins, performing ground drills in the air.

- Sevenday 3 -

Lesson: Flaming Disasters. Weyrlings will be shown what can happen when precautions aren't taken into consideration and the consequences
Lesson: Flaming Disasters. Continued.
Hands On: Dragons will flame while flying for the first time. Weyrlingmaster must be present for such activities.
Daily Exercises: Formation flying begins, performing ground drills in the air.

- Sevenday 4 -

Lesson: Rope Drills. How to perform them carefully.
Lesson: Dragon and Rider Welfare. Weyrlings will be taught how to make sure that everyone around them is being cared for properly, including their dragons.
Hands On:Sweep ride locations are assigned to the new Weyrlings.
Daily Exercises: Formation flying begins, performing ground drills in the air.

Month 6

The final month of training. By now, all dragons have finished growing and are eating twice a week like usual. Weyrling pairs practice ferrying firestone to the fighting wings, first in practice and later, advanced pairs get to try the real thing. This is the Blooding and many weyrlings do not make it out of it unscathed. Both Gold and Greenriders are encouraged to have a bit of practice before their first flights if possible. Greens rise at the end of the month, some sooner, and will rise about 3 times a Turn. Golds rise in their seventh month and generally rise once or twice a Turn. Upon graduation at the end of this month, the newly made riders will be assigned to a fighting wing. If they are under 16 Turns, they will become Weyrlingmaster Assistants and used as couriers for guests or sweepriders until old enough to join the wings.

Dragons Full Size:
Gold - 40-44 feet
Bronze - 37-40 feet
Brown - 32-37 feet
Blue - 27-32 feet
Green- 22-27 feet

- Sevenday 1 -

Lesson: Flying in Dangerous Conditions. Weyrlings will learn how to control their dragon and what decisions should be made in dangerous flying conditions.
Hands On: Flying and Flaming. Weyrlings will learn how to put their knowledge to the ultimate test.
Hands On: Rope Drills begin. Weyrlings learn how to handle themselves and help others.
Daily Exercises: Extensive Training, and preparing for Threadfall.

- Sevenday 2 -

Hands On: Regular sweep ride routes are assigned.
Hands On: Flaming while performing Ariel drills.
Hands On: Delivering sacks of firestone to riders during Threadfall.
Daily Exercises: Extensive Training, and preparing for Threadfall.

- Sevenday 3 -

Lesson: Final Exam. Weyrlings will be tested on everything that they have learnt.
Hands On: First Threadfall. Weyrlings will fly their first fight against Threadfall.
Daily Exercises: Extensive Training, and preparing for Threadfall.

- Sevenday 4 -


This weyrling training schedule has been taken with permission from Dawn Meadows WeyrHold. If you wish to use it, you must speak with Dawn Meadows Board.


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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright© Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern® is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.