the source of all knowledge                                

remember that show...?                                

john lennon A.I.                                

a wealthy and eccentric gourmet who lives in his castle with a small army of fine chefs                                

how-to guide to life                                

mr. T vs. everything (the best page on the internet)                                

pop rocks and soda                                

psychic. it's all psychic                                

a waste of time that's reasonably clever                                

a cat, a girl, and a beatnik vampire                                                         

pure and simple as a hammer to the forebrain                                

yes, the chipmunks covered "time warp"                                                             

personality types as defined by strangers                               

spare the snark                              

click on the pictures                               

word for word (or close enough)                               

a web of clues was spun through the datasphere                               

lester burnham and fox mulder have the same phone number                               

questioning your faith?  look no further                               

then out of the grave, with a curl and a twist, came a whimpering, whinning, spectral mist                               

a certified, high quality diamond created from the carbon of your loved one                              

be a pop cultist!    

rorrim elgoog                         

quotes  facts  music