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Welcome to PRO

Pacific-Rim Opportunities

Your Gateway to Business Development in Asia

New Column (4/5/02)

ASEAN, has no interest in including Taiwan or concluding any pacts with Taiwan for a FTA, not while PRC is... "

About PRO

Do you need:
- Hard-to-find Asian business news or Asian trade news?
- Help to sell products or technology to Asia?
- Help to submit tenders for government projects
- To arrange exhibitions, meetings, or seminars?
- To find contacts for raw materials or OEM supplies?
- Matchmaking for joint ventures?
- To establish branch offices?

We are a small, efficient network of professionals with the experience and knowledge to help you develop or expand your business anywhere in dynamic Asia. Our group, which has representatives in both Southeast and East Asian countries, is composed of people who are highly respected, experienced businessmen in their respective regions.

Let us help you
expand into the Asian market.

Tel/Fax:(60-3) 4252 4214