The Trousseau
Filling a Hope Chest While There's Still Hope
The term Trousseau is derived from the French word meaning bundle and was used to describe the personal and household items accumulated by a young girl in preparation for marriage. 
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Normally this included such things as  jewelry, lingerie, toiletries and makeup, bed and bath linens, as well as fancier needlework to decorate her new home, and several outfits to see her through the endless social functions required of a new bride.  From the time that the young man popped the question, the young girl and her family went to work.
Most of the items were hand made by mother, aunt, sister, grandmother and the girl herself; but in wealthier families, a professional seamstress would be hired to outfit the bride-to-be.

By the 1880's catalogues began to offer "Bridal Sets" in a range of prices to meet every budget.  For about $ 5.00, you would get one nightgown, a pair of "drawers" and a corset cover, but for about         $ 150.00 you would receive a reception dress, a suit dress, a walking dress, three day dresses, two nightgowns, a shawl, three petticoats, three pairs of drawers, two chemises, two corsets, two dozen pairs of stockings, a set of towels and a tablecloth.

Of course the social elite would never dream of buying from a catalogue and elaborate trousseaus became a sign of wealth and social standing.
These items for sale.  Click on image to view.
About 1850, it was customary to have the bride's trousseau on display at the wedding reception, even the lingerie and undergarments, much to the embarassment of the groom; but by the 1890's it was thought to be in poor taste. An 1891 fashion magazine announced: "The custom of exhibiting the corbeille (bounty of gifts) has completely fallen into disuse amoung people of true refinement. The display of intimate lingerie was painful for the fiance and shocking to the modesty of more than one."
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