Sabertooth's AoA Biography

Real Name: Victor Creed
Universe/Timeline: Age of Apocalypse / Exiles Universe
Current Status:
Aliases: Mr. Creed (Only used by Blink)
Nationality: Canadian
First Appearance: X-Men Alpha

Powers and Abilities: superhuman strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, durability, hyper keen senses, healing factor, adamantium skeleton and razor sharp claws

Affiliations: Horsemen, X-Men, Weapon X

All Age of Apocalypse appearances in chronological order:
X-Men Chronicles #1, 2
Tales of the Age of Apocalypse #1
Blink #4
X-Men Alpha
Astonishing X-Men (1st series) #1-4
Amazing X-Men #4
X-Men Omega