Welcome to my hobbie Pic series.

During my days working at local tourist stand at the International airport in 1994, I realized the importance of how to use a photo camara in a very special moment. During this stay, I could acquire a camara. It's a Canon T50 with a TELE-MACRO 28-70 mm lent.

After that, I have taken may pics from my best friends. I did it at first bacause of learning, them I have done it because I found the beauty of the women throught a pic.

I know that I still need to practice and do a better job, but after 6 years doing it. I think it is time to share my work in photo Art. What ever happened, I know that people may appreciated my amateur work presented in here. As a result of this work, I present few series of pics. I how you like them.

Thanks for stop by and see my work done in here.

Yours, Victor Carvajal.

[photo 1] [photo2] [photo3] [photo4] [photo5] [photo6] [photo7] [photo8] [photo9] [photo10] [photo11] [photo12] [photo13].

Click here. for my Photo Art serie