In the X'mas holidays, everyone goes out to play and leaves sleepy bear alone...
Owl sees all that on the tree outside.. and he tells the angel...
The guardian angel of sleepy bear sends him a fran... ohohh.. who's called pink bear bear... hahahhaha.... and as pink bear bear is very mo liu, she can always  play w/ sleepy bear ... ohohoho
And as they walked around the Kolala's Activity Room 823, they meet their new fran silly duckie (details see diary)
But silly duck is leaving la.. oh.. never mind la.. lets eat all the sadness silly duck, owl, guardian angel, and the two bear bear all have a farewell party.. ohoh..

That's the end of sleepy bear's diary. Hahah... yes. as mo liu as u.. Thank you for reading. And if u have any comments, plz send that to his guardian angel... ohhho..

Special thanks to my pretty fran's owl, the silly lady's pink bear bear, my sister's fran's duck & bear which have left our activity room lo.. and my dress.. and Rio's calendar at the back of my bed.. oojohohoh
-->I want the old version too