CARREGANT - Espereu si us plau

[01] Principal

Un somni fet realitat

Ben poca gent creia, ara fa aproximadament un any, que aquelles llargues i avorrides reunions a les hores de pati servirien realment per alguna cosa. Ara, un any després i tenint les butxaques plenes d'experiències viscudes, sembla que fos ahir.

Lluny de ser només un viatge d'estudis, la nostra visita ens va servir per a fer nous amics, conèixer noves costums i en definitiva, per passar un dels millors setembres de la nostra vida.

Viatgeusa2000 [versió 2.0]

La primera versió de Viatgeusa2000 neix el setembre de 2000 per donar a conèixer el viatge a través de la xarxa i com a eina de contacte.

En aquesta segona versió, tal i com vam prometre, podreu trobar fotografies, sensacions, experiencies viscudes i tota mena de records de la nostra estada als Estats Units.

Tot i que arriba amb retard, esperem que la espera hagi valgut la pena!


[02] Fotos

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[03] L'IES Alexandre Satorras de Mataró

Criteris educatius

L'Institut Satorras és l'hereu del COPEM de la Plaça de Cuba, fundat pel mataroní Alexandre Satorras i la seva Angeleta Ferrer, i de l'INEM de la Plaça dels Bous i va ser el primer institut públic del Maresme.

Ara, l'IES Alexandre Satorras, que pretén conjugar tradició i qualitat pedagògica, ha estat centre pioner en l'aplicació de la Reforma Educativa al Maresme.

L'Institut imparteix els quatre cursos de l'ESO, amb una ampla oferta de crèdits variables.

Les modalitats de Batxillerat que imparteix l'institut són les de Batxillerat Científic, Tecnològic, Humanístic, i és l'únic centre públic de la comarca del Maresme que ofereix estudis de batxillerat Artístic.

Adreçat a aquells alumnes que opten per a ensenyaments més professionalitzadors, l'institut ofereix els cicles formatius de la Família Sanitària: de Grau mitjà Cures auxiliars d'infermeria i de Grau superior Documentació sanitària i Laboratori de diagnòstic clínic.

A més, participa en projectes europeus, com els Sòcrates o Comenius i en el projecte iniciat per l'ajuntament de Viena anomenat "Eurokids" en col·laboració amb l'Ajuntament de Mataró i ha estat centre pilot en un programa d'avaluació interna, amb altres trenta centres públics i privats de Catalunya.

L'Associació de Pares i Mares (APMA) de l'institut organitza activitats extraescolars esportives (Campionats Escolars) i de Centre Obert, que facilita que l'alumnat disposi de les aules d'informàtica i biblioteca per a la realització dels seus treballs.

Els diferents Departaments organitzen activitats teatrals certàmens literaris, concerts de música, exposicions de treballs d'alumnes, rutes literàries, visites a museus, a exposicions i empreses, sortides i activitats a la natura, estades a empreses, viatges a l'estranger, intercanvis amb altres instituts, concursos matemàtics...

La Comissió d'Activitats Extraescolars, integrada per alumnes i professorat, organitza el Carnestoltes, la Festa de Nadal i la de Fi de Curs.

L'Institut també compta amb una Associació d'Estudiants (AES), que s'encarrega, a més d'organitzar activitats lúdiques, de vetllar pels drets dels estudiants tant en les aules con en el Consell Escolar.

L'institut Satorras ha estat guardonat amb el Premi CIRIT, que es dona a aquells centres que esmercen esforços en promocionar la recerca entre els seu alumnat. Un bon nombre d'alumnes han estat distingits vàries vegades amb Premis, a títol individual o de grup: Omnium Cultural, Premi de Recerca Històrica "Agustí Duran i Sanpere", Baldiri i Reixach, CIRIT, Fundació Jaume I...

Projecte pedagògic

Des de fa temps, el Departament d'Anglès de l'Institut Alexandre Satorras s'ha fixat com a objectius primordials que el seu alumnat s'adoni de la importància del coneixement de la llengua anglesa com a vehicle de comunicació internacional, i senti la necessitat de relacionar-se amb altres pobles i altres cultures. Així doncs, ha programat estades a països europeus, com la Gran Bretanya (on l'anglès és la primera llengua) o Suècia (on, com a segona llengua, l'anglès és àmpliament conegut per a la població).

D'altra banda, el nostre Departament és pioner a l'estat espanyol en la participació en un projecte de la Comunitat Europea sobre el medi ambient, l'Eurokids, que pretén, mitjançant les pàgines web, divulgar una revista sobre ecologia, medi ambient i temes relacionats amb la joventut. Alguns dels nostres alumnes, acompanyats de professors, van participar el 1999 en una trobada a Viena i, el 2000, a Brussel·les, van entrevistar-se amb l'alcalde de la capital belga i amb d'altres representants de la política internacional.

Queda clar, doncs, el nostre convenciment que l'aprenentatge de l'anglès és fonamental com a eina bàsica de comunicació, que sense la comunicació no és possible el coneixement i que, si no hi ha coneixement, no hi pot haver respecte per altres formes de vida, per altres cultures, per altres persones.

En aquest sentit, ens vam decidir a eixamplar el nostre horitzó. El món és molt gran i volíem fer-los veure que no s'acaba en la nostra vella i estimada Europa. Volíem fer-los arribar a un paisatge que coneixen massa sovint només per les pel·lícules i justament les pel·lícules han estat el nostre pretext per introduir-los en aquest Nou Món.

[05] Diary

Què vam fer abans del viatge?

Aquest projecte el vam començar a endagar al primer cicle d'ESO. Com ja ha quedat clar, el nostre adjectiu era despertar la curiositat dels alumnes per aprendre no només la llengua sinó també els costums, la cultura i les tradicions dels Estats Units d'Amèrica.

Per poder aprofundir en el tema, el departament d'anglès va oferir un crèdit variable a cada nivell, amb el títol Amèrica, i els alumnes interessats hi van començar a treballar.

Durant el curs 1999-2000, els alumnes de 3r i 4rt van anar treballant temes de la història i la cultura dels Estats Units a través del cinema, realitzant i preparant activitats d'aprenentatge.

I després del viatge?

Una vegada efectuat el viatge, els alumnes van elaborar una memòria (com la que podeu trobar en aquesta mateixa secció) amb el treball realitzat durant l'estada als EUA, que ha estat la continuïtat del projecte inicial presentat. Aquesta es va realitzar pels alumnes participants dins dels crèdit variable Amèrica, que el departament d'anglès va oferir 4rt d'ESO.

Aquesta memòria i altres treballs elaborats durant el primer trimestre del curs 2000-2001 (incloent-hi aquesta web) es presentaran al Centre de Recursos de Llengües Estrangeres entre l'1 i el 16 de març d'aquest any tal i com especifica la convocatòria.

Pla de viatge

Dissabte, 16 de setembre de 2000

3:30 Trobada a l'entrada principal del Parc Central de Mataró.

7:00 Sortida del vol amb la companyia Lufthansa de l'aeroport del Prat.

9:15 Arribada a Frankfurt.

13:25 Sortida de Frankfurt.

15:50 Arribada a l'aeroport de New York.

16:30 Transfer a l'hotel. Allotjament a l'hotel Milford Plaza de Manhattan.

Un cop instal·lats: Visita de nit a l'Empire State Building i a Broadway.

Diumenge, 17

Visita de Battery Park, l'Estatua de la Llibertat i Ellis Island, Financial District, Greenwich Village, Soho, Little Italy i Chinatown.

Dilluns, 18

Al matí: Visita del Rockefeller Center, Fith Avenue, Central Park i The Metropol itan Museum of Art.

15:00 Sortida de l'hotel en autocar cap a Waterbury.

16:30 Arribada a Waterbury.

Dimarts, 19

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Dimecres, 20

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Dijous, 21

Visita a New Haven, Yale i National Park.

Divendres, 22

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Dissabte, 23

Activitats amb la família.

Diumenge, 24

Activitats amb la família.

Dilluns, 25

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Dimarts, 26

Visita a Boston, Cambridge i Harvard.

Dimecres, 27

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Dijous, 28

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Divendres, 29

Classes a l'institut St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School i allotjament amb la família.

Dissabte, 30

13:00 Sortida de Waterbury en autocar cap a l'aeroport de New York.

16:55 Sortida del vol amb la companyia Lufthansa.

Diumenge, 1

6:15 Arribada a Dusseldorf.

9:00 Sortida de Dusseldorf

11:00 Arribada a l'aeroport del Prat de Barcelona.

13:00 (Aproximadament) Arribada a l'estació de Renfe de Mataró.


September 16th (Saturday)

The first day at 3:30 am in the morning we met in front of "Parc Central" in Mataró. We said good-bye to our families and our town. We left Mataró by bus. We arrived very early al Barcelona's airport. We all were bored and asleep because that night we didn't sleep much. There was nobody at the airport. We had to wait for two hours. At 7:00 am the plane took off to Frankfurt and after two hours we arrived at the airport (we flew with Lufthansa Air Company). We stayed there for four hours (without anything to do) and someone slept on the floor because we were very tired.

We took the second plane at 1:25 p.m.. We were there for 8 hours. The air hostess gave us a lot of food during the flight. When we arrived at Newark airport we were very excited. None of us could believe that in NY was 3:30 p.m., because for us it was 9:30 p.m.. We took our suitcases and a bus picked us up to Milford Plaza Hotel. A guide showed us the most important views of New York during the route by bus. We were in a beautiful place near Broadway. The hotel was good. The rooms were very comfortable, it had a TV with a lot of channels. After we unpacked our luggage we went to Empire State Building. There was an elevator that was very quick and when we arrived at the 86th floor we saw all New York City al night with lights . It was cold but the view was spectacular and beautiful.

Then, we went to have dinner at McDonald's, we took away the food and we ate it in the hotel room. This day was a really long day. Everybody was very tired and we went to our room. We all felt asleep very quickly.

September 17th (Sunday)

We got up at 7:45 a.m.. We were very tired. There were a lot of things that we had to do and places to see. We went to have breakfast in a place like Dunkin' Donuts. At 9 o'clock the bus arrived. We did a tour around the city. We visited Harlem, Little Italy, and Chinatown.

Then, we went to Battery Park and there we waited to take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty Island. While we were on the queue we saw a group of men that were jumping across a single file of 5 people. When we arrived at the Island had lunch in a fast-food restaurant. After lunch, we went up to the feet of the Statue of Liberty. We couldn't go up to her head because it was very windy. Then, we went to Ellis Island. There was the Immigration Museum of NY. On the first floor we could see some information about the population of America. On the second and third floor we discovered the life conditions of the immigrants in America. We saw their beds and a lot of things about these people. It's unbelievable the number of vicissitudes that they must have happened in these buildings. It was really interesting. Then, we went back to the Battery Park by ferry. After that we went on foot to the World Trade Center and we saw the Twin Towers. We took a subway to Times Square. We went back to the hotel. Then, we went to have dinner. When we finished we went to see Times Square and Broadway. After that, everybody went to their room, and went to bed.

September 18th (Monday)

We got up at 7:30 in the morning and we packed our suitcases and left them in our teachers' rooms. Then, we went to have breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts, and we went for a walk along the 5th Avenue. We saw Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's church, and a lot of skyscrapers. We went shopping in NBA store.

We walked until we arrived to Central Park. We did a tour and we saw the Strawberry Fields, a place that is dedicated to John Lennon because he was killed there, in front of Dakota Building, where he lived. We went to see the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but it was closed. Then, we went back to the hotel zone. We went to have lunch and after this we caught a bus that took us to the school.

The trip was long but good and funny too. when we arrived at St. Margaret's McTernan School, some teachers and students welcomed us. We met MS. Lucia Paredes, our American teacher. They showed us the school: it is enormous, surrounded by woods and with a lot of computers, lockers, sofas and things like that. It has five different buildings and we were going to have class at the High School. We waited for our hosts because they were playing a game. Then, when we had met our hosts, we went to have dinner: pasta with chicken. It was really bad. When we finished, every family went to their home.

September 19th (Tuesday)

We got up earlier than in Catalonia, more or less at 6:30 a.m.. We all the Catalan students met at 7:45 a.m. in the hall of the school. At 8:00 a.m. we went with our hosts to their homeroom (there aren't many people: about 8-10 people for each class). After this, at 8:10 more or less, we went to a Morning Meeting. It was very strange: all the students went there and a moderator tell all the news there are in StMMcT school.

We waited for the school bus in the school hall. When the bus arrived we went to Waterbury to visit the Mattatuck museum. It was good. We were very lucky because they were going to take off one of the expositions the same morning.

The part we saw wasn't the most important; the most important one was about the evolution of Waterbury people: they told us about the starts with the colonialism, when everybody worked cultivating textile matters essentially. They didn't prosper on agriculture, so, they started to work with clocks, buttons and shoes. An inventor of the area, Goodyear, patented the vulcanization process of the rubber, so that this didn't melt or break. Waterbury was the center of the rubber production, and they produced thousands of shoes and boots (with fasteners made with local brass). They told us about the brass production process. The Brass Era finished in 1950 but Waterbury keeps being an industrial city. After the visit we went for a walk around the city and we saw a church and some monuments. Then, we went back to school and had lunch with all the students of the Upper-School.

After the lunch, we went to class with our hosts and then we went to Lucia Paredes' class to do an American Revolution lesson. She talked to us about the freedom as it is experienced in USA. We had to write a composition about the freedom as it is experienced in Catalonia for homework. Some Catalan students went to have soccer practice after the classes, at 3:00 p.m., but it was raining. After this, everyone went with his/her host to his/her house.

September 20th (Wednesday)

Today we started the normal classes. First of all we went to the homeroom class with our tutor and then, everybody (in the High School) went to a big hall because of the morning meeting. This day (Wednesday), in StMMcT school, the boys have to wear a tie and the girls, a skirt. But we, the Catalan students, didn't have to wear special clothes. After the morning meeting, we started our lessons with our host.

On the Juice Break, they distributed something to eat ("Oreo", this day). Our host had every day a Study Hall class, and that meant, free time for us!! We went to the library, and we used the computers. At 11:55 a.m. we did another "American Revolution" lesson, and this day, we had to write a composition for homework like if you were a colonialist in 1750. Lucia gave us more homework: some English practice.

At 12:45 a.m., we had lunch. Today better than yesterday, because we could have sandwiches and lots of different things.

At 3:00 p.m. the girl's soccer team had a game, and the Catalan girls didn't practice because we went to see them. This match they lost the game, but they played very well. During the game we talked with some parents about the practice and they told us that, during the autumn they played soccer, but during the winter they played basketball because of the snow. And during the spring and summer they played softball, that it's similar to baseball. The boys had to practice like everyday. Then, at 5 o'clock, everyone went to her house.

September 21st (Thursday)

At 8 o'clock a.m. we went to the tutor class and to the Morning Meeting again. Our first lesson was "American Revolution". Lucia explained us the American Revolution and told us about Paul Revere. She gave us a blank timeline of events leading up to the American Revolution to do for homework, and another composition to do about a Catalan hero. After this lesson, everyone went to their lessons. For lunch we ate chicken with rice.

After school we trained with the soccer team. The girls' practice was very boring because the coach was talking all the time about the lost game, and about the Saturday game and we didn't play with the ball. But, the boys' practice was very interesting because they played an special game: four Catalans to six Americans. The Americans students played worse than the Catalan students, so, they lost. And, then, we went to our house.

September 22nd (Friday)

We went to school, but this day we didn't do any classes. At 8 a.m., after the Morning Meeting, we caught a bus to go to Boston. The trip was quite long and very boring. The bus left us in front of Harvard University (in Cambridge). We visited Harvard where Lucia studied. Then, we went to Boston by subway line. we followed the "freedom trail" (it's a route through Boston and it's shown by a red line on the sidewalk) We saw some monuments and buildings: Old State house, City hall... We visited Paul Revere's house, and we went to Quinzy Market for lunch. After this, we crossed Charleston Bridge. There s a very good view of Boston while you cross it.

We went to Charlestown Navy Yard, where the Constitution museum is. The bus came for us there at 5:30 a.m., more or less, and we had dinner on the bus. We were in a car jam and we arrived a t StMMcT school at 8:30 p.m..

There was a "Welcome Dance" in the school. We had to wear pyjamas, but not many people were wearing them. It was funny, but the dance finished too early, et 10:30 p.m.. After this, all the students went to their house.

September 23rd and 24th (weekend)

During the weekend all the Catalan students stayed with their host families. We didn't meet all the students, but we did some activities together.

There were some people that went to NY (the State) to see a game of the feminine team of soccer. Or someone went to the cinema to watch "Perfect storm". Also, there were some Catalan students that went to ESPN ( a TV channel), or a very small group went to see a parade (a typical American activity). And there some other Catalan did some trip with his/her host family.

We think that was a really funny weekend!

September 25th (Monday)

We started our second school week. Another day of school...

We went to the tutory and to the Morning Meeting. We asked to Eileen (an American student) if she could say that on Sunday was Adriana's birthday in the Morning Meeting and she said it. Before the Juice Break, we gave a postcard to everybody who knew Adriana, so they signed on it. We bought a birthday cake for Adriana and at Juice Break, the Catalan students went to Mrs. Holden class and we gave the postcard to Adriana. Mrs. Holden gave her a T-shirt. Adriana was caught by surprise!

After this, we went to Lucia's class. This day she talked us about "Amistad". We went on the computers and got some information about it. We found a picture of Hale Woodruff that is called Mutiny. We had to do a composition about this picture for homework. We continued our normal lessons and at three p.m., we did our soccer practice and we went to our respective home.

September 26th (Tuesday)

At 7:45, again, all the Catalan students met in the school hall. We went to the tutor class and to the Morning Meeting. After the two first lessons Luis Fernández (our teacher) did a lecture about Spanish art and history. It was interesting, but too long for us. Then, we had the Juice Break, and we stayed with our Catalan friends for an hour before the Lucia's lesson.

After this class some Catalan students went with Lucia to a Spanish class of 5th grade (10 years old) and they did an interview to us in Spanish (more or less...). We had lunch and then we went to our classes. Today, we must write a composition about one situation where you didn't understand some American or they didn't understand you.

And finally, like every day we went to our soccer practice. At 5:00 p.m. every student went to his/her house.

September 27th (Wednesday)

Another day, we went to school, but this day we didn't do any lessons because we went to Mystic Seaport and New Haven.

We caught a school bus to go to Mystic. The driver and her son came with us to the Mystic Seaport. It's a museum, but it's like a small village. We had to do some questions about it while we visit the museum. We had lunch there. Afterwards, we went to New Haven to see the Amistad boat.

At 3:30 p.m., we went back to school. We didn't do the soccer practice, because we arrived at 5:00, so our host families waited for us and, when we arrived at StMMcT school, we went to our houses. But, this day the feminine soccer team went to play a game in another school and the Catalan students that her host played in the feminine soccer team went with Mrs. Holden to the Mall, a big commercial center.

September 28th (Thursday)

This day we went on a trip again; our last school trip...

We caught 2 school buses because we went to Hartford with students of 12th grade.

Firstly, we went to a shopping center to have breakfast. Then, we went to a museum. There, the museum's guides performed the Amistad's judgment. After it, we went to another museum and we divided in 4 groups: two Catalan students and two of American students. We saw American art and they saw Spanish, Italian and French art, It was difficult when the guides tried to explain us the pictures...

Then, we went back to the school by the school bus. When we arrived there, we were hungry. The American teachers bought some pizza for everybody who went to the trip. We had lunch on the school's playground, in the picnic area picnic. Then, we went near the lake and the teachers took some pictures of all the Catalan students. At 5, after the sport practice, we went home.

September 29th (Friday)

We were very sad because this day was the last day of school in StMMcT school.

In the Morning Meeting they said good-bye to us and they gave us a present of their school. Lucia cried while she was trying to say everybody that we were leaving the USA the next day!

After the Morning Meeting, we talked with Lucia about our staying in the USA. Then, some Catalan students went to Mrs. O'Hara Spanish lessons to talk about our life in Spain (but in English...). It was interesting and very funny!

We had lunch with the Middle School students and we talked with them about our hobbies, music,... After lunch, a professional photographer took us some pictures to put them on the yearbook of StMMcT school!

After the lessons, at 3:30 p.m., we played a soccer game between Catalan students and American students. We lost the game... Afterwards, we said good-bye to the American students who wouldn't be the next day, then we left to say good-bye, and we went home.

September 30th (Saturday)

We were very nervous... and really sad... we had to say good-bye to our American family and our new friends...

The farewell was very sad and nobody wanted to leave. Our journey to the USA was really fantastic but was too short...

After 30 minutes saying good-bye and doing lots of kisses, at noon, we went to Newark Airport and we took our flight. After 8 hours, we landed in Dusseldörf, at 7 a.m., and at 9 o'clock, we took our second plane to Barcelona's Airport. There, our Catalan families waited for us very excited but we were really sad...

Nota: El fragment de "Diary" que podeu trobar en aquesta secció ha estat elaborat per Núria Radó, Diana Gomà i Adriana Ascaso.


[06] E-mail, links i descàrrega


Podeu fer-nos arribar els vostres comentaris, observacions, crítiques, suggeriments o salutacions a


Aquí teniu un recull de pàgines que us recomanem que visiteu:

Pàgines sobre Mataró i Catalunya (en català)

Ajuntament de Mataró Podeu trobar una informació molt completa de la ciutat: Des de les últimes notícies fins a estadístiques, exposicions o l'agenda de les activitats.

Grup d'Història del Casal Pàgina on podreu estar informats de les activitats de l'entitat i fer un recorregut per les diferentes etapes històriques de Mataró.

Descobertes del 2000 Pàgina del Grup d'Història del Casal on es poden consultar mitjançant fotos, mapes i escrits, les últimes troballes arqueològiques fetes a la ciutat.

Capgrossos de Mataró Pàgina web de la colla castellera de la ciutat.

Televisió de Mataró Pàgina de la Televisió local de Mataró.

Blauweb Portal dedicat al Maresme.

Vilaweb Pàgina que a més d'un diari electrònic propi, conté un munt d'enllaços a pàgines catalanes.

Mataró a Vilaweb Apartat de Vilaweb dedicat a Mataró.

Ashford 2k En aquesta pàgina associada, dissenyada per José Luis Antúnez, alumne de l'IES Alexandre Satorras, podràs saber més coses sobre el viage que van fer alguns becaris catalans a Ashford (Anglaterra) el passat estiu. Pàgina dedicada a les festes i tradicions catalanes.

Gencat Pàgina oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya on podreu obtenir dades estadístiques, enllaços a altres webs, etc...

Departament d¡Ensenyament Pàgina web del Departament de la Generalitat de Catalunya on podreu trobar informació dels centres i de l'ensenyament en general a Catalunya.

Pàgines de Waterbury i Connecticut (en anglès)

St. Margaret's Mc Ternan School Pàgina web de l'institut al que vam anar.

Mystic Seaport Pàgina dedicada a aquest port on va ser reconstruida l'Amistad.

Amistad America Pàgina dedicada al projecte de l'Amistad.

State of Connecticut Pàgina oficial de l'Estat de Connecticut.

City of Waterbury Pàgina oficial de la ciutat de Waterbury. (No gaire completa).

Waterbury Region Convention Pàgina de la oficina de turisme de la regió de Waterbury.

Mattatuck Museum Pàgina del Mattatuck Museum de Waterbury.


Aquí podeu trobar alguns dels treballs que vam realitzar abans i després del viatge. Tots estan comprimits amb Win Zip.

Estadísticas de la juventud catalana Treball realitzat el setembre de 2000, que va permetre al alumnes del SMMcT fer-se una idea d'alguns aspectes de la joventut catalana.

Tamany: 297 KB (COMPRIMIT)

Format: Microsoft Power-Point (Diapositives)


American diary Que vam fer durant la nostra estada als EUA? Baixeu-vos aquest treball i en sabreu tots els detalls.

Tamany: 656 KB (COMPRIMIT)

Format: Microsoft Word 2000 (Compatible amb Word 97)


The Amistad Sabeu qui era Cinque? I Sing-gbe? Què va fer John Quincy Adams? I Martin Van Buren? Si la vostra resposta ha estat "no", baixeu-vos aquest treball realitzat per un grup d'alumnes del variable Amèrica i podreu saber aquestes i moltes altres coses relacionades amb la història de l'Amistad.

Tamany: 1.343 KB (COMPRIMIT)

Format: Microsoft Word 2000 (compatible amb Word 97)