History Of Caabudwaaq City

The history of Caabudwaaq city dates back to 15 hundred years ago even way before the Islam. The meaning of its name is unknown, but some suggested it derived from Cushitic language which means ' Abud' and 'waaq'. The terms combined litterary give the 'the servent of God'. Some others suggested that 'Caabudwaaq' is a subclan of Ogaden who used to live in this city 16 hundred years ago. Hence, whatever it's origin, Caabudwaaq was the cult place where people come and workship their 'Waaqs'.

A large portion of Galgaduud region, including Abudwak city is either semi-arid or arid. The soils are sandy and hardly any vegetation grows there save for a few scattered thorny trees. The dry season persists through out the year. This does not mean that it never rains. Rain is very rare but for the few days it falls,the seasonal artificial 'Baragos' burst their banks and the semi-roads hardly become impassable by caravans.

The inhabitants of Galgaduud Region as a whole, such as the Marehan and Hawiye among others, rely on honey which they get from hives and other animal products such as milk and meat. They keep camels, sheep and goats and they have to move from place to place looking for pastureland for their livestock. To them, their livestock is their livelihood and to some extend it can be said that they cannot do without their animals.

When the time comes for the nomads to migrate, they pack up all their belongings , including their houses, and walk following a predetermined route that their forefathers used. A house is a framework of beat poles, covered with panels of thatch and sheets of leather. The poles, coverings, household goods, milk gourds, water pots, pets and children are loaded onto a camel, ready to go.

Galgaduud region is one of the most sparsely populated regions in Somalia. This is mainly due to the fact that this region is is not very productive and it is difficult to live in such conditions. In fact, some parts are so inaccessible that camels are used for transport. The "Quraan Saar' are the only method used for medical system. This is the only existing medical infrastructure by the entire region for centries.

There are several ethnic groups living here and most of them are cushites. They are mainly muslims although there are some who never pray like some of my close kins who deeply rooted in their ancient 'Waaqism' customs but beleive in Islam as a traditional religion. Despite the harsh conditions that these people live in, they are very friendly for it is in their customs to look out for each other.

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