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These are some of the thoughts I have regarding relationships...

I think a man and woman should be... Caring, supportive, honest, communicative.

Independence When we are born, we are dependent on others for everything.  Later in life, we become less dependent until, one day (hopefully) we become independent.  Independence is a great feeling.  Once we are independent, we can choose to depend on others for things, knowing that we have the ability to provide them for ourselves.  The conscious decision to rely on one another leads to interdependence, which is where the whole is said to be greater than the some of the parts.

Chivalry I actually enjoy treating a woman as a lady and appreciate when I'm allowed to do so.

Online Dating I'm still trying to figure out if this works.  Do men really post twenty-year-old pictures?  Do women feel it's alright to lie about their age?  Are there really people out there that grab someone else's picture off the web and claim it as their own?  Please email me with your comments or experiences.

What I try to be to a woman Someone who cares how her day went, someone to provide a feeling of safety and protection, someone who is "one her side", responsible, affectionate, faithful, romantic, dependable, a gentleman, uncontrolling, someone to  pick up on her needs and do what I can to fulfill them.

What I look for in a woman Someone who gets up on the right side of the bed more often than not, someone with a positive outlook on life, someone with a beautiful smile, someone to  pick up on my needs and do what she can to fulfill them.

Venus and Mars I was very fascinated with this book.  John Gray provided insight to me that would have taken me many years to learn on my own.  Men and women think of things in very different ways, communicate in different ways, and the view the same situation very differently.  Too often, these differences lead to negative feelings towards one another.

Likes Holding hands, quiet walks in the evening, the strength of family, people I can rely on.

Dislikes Slow drivers in the fast lane, people at the grocery checkout who wait until their order is totaled before they begin writing their check, being asked for my honest opinion when the person asking really doesn't want to know it, condescending people, mean people, judgmental people.