VinsanityII_Vinceron; BY: Verron Choi
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Wuts up all internet users. (Duh...) Welcome to my site, I am a high school student in Earl Haig Secondary School; gettin' 80's and hopin' to get into University.  More on education I am studying Mandarin at Night School rite now (yea, i know it sucks...). Cantonese rocks though, since I am from Hong Kong, the place rocks man. So many cheap stuff.

I spent most of my time playing games and sleepin' (SPORTS GAMES ONLY. OTHERS PLS GET LOST!!!) Little time spent for my homework. Yea i m lazy.

Music is another one of my favorites (only Chinese Pop that is); singers (only Richie rocks) are okay, but they copy North American music, so its not really that good.

Another notable of myself is that I go to Vision Youth, it rocks man, everything there is great great great!!!! I change (well, a lil...) into a more confident me!!!! So once again, VY rocks!!!!! Anyways, thx to those who looked at my site and take care!!!(STRESS: for those ppl who hate sports or singer Richie Ren, get outta my site!!!!!)
La vedettes!!! Eastern rocks but Yao is Chinese ppl.'s pride!!!!
Verne's Links
OK..Bluejays, lets play ball!!!
Chinese Pop songs! (Richie the best though)
Wanna improve ur English through the Giardine system??!!
Download songs' station
'Bout Verne ( Verron, really)
Name: Verron Choi
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