Ylant (22)

Ylant  [age 22]
pronounced   ill-AHNT

Race:  human, natural weredog

Height:  5' 9"

Weight:  160 lb

Hair:  auburn

Eyes:  amber-brown

Alignment:  neutral good

Class:  rogue 2 / barbarian 1 (joining a campaign already in progress)

Weapons:  shortsword, light mace, claws, bite

Special Qualities:  scent, alternate form, curse of lycanthropy, dog empathy

Character Flaws (from Unearthed Arcana):  murky-eyed, shaky (taking these flaws allows two bonus feats)

Character Trait (from Unearthed Arcana):  quick (+10 ft. speed, --1 hp gained per level)

Beginning Stats:
(human form)
STR 16
DEX 15
CON 17
INT 14
WIS 19
CHA 13

Background:  This campaign, like Laerrigan's, is set in a world that melds the Forgotten Realms with a loosely-inspired version of Westeros (from George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire).

Ylant has been wandering, alone between bouts of playing mercenary-for-a-good-cause (using his lycanthropic advantages for the good of people he sees as being in the right), for two years now.  He grew up in a small village of natural lycanthropes (mostly weredogs), where everybody knew everybody else and there was a great degree of mutual support.  They kept some gardens and some chickens but were mostly hunter/gatherers, and Ylant was perhaps the most promising young "interceptor" for hunting parties (owing to his great speed and agility).  He married at age 18, and from there his life bears resemblance to the story in a marvelous song called "Wanderlust" by Wylde Nept.

Notes:  While traveling alone between villages, Ylant hid his clothes and most of his few possessions under a bush and assumed animal form for hunting.  When he returned, his cache was gone.  A couple hours of tracking led him to a camp of ragged wildlings, including women and children.  He sighed and decided that these humans (who are so horribly adapted to their environment) needed his gear more than he did--and he certainly couldn't attack children anyway--so he left without them ever knowing he was there.  Three days later, still in dog form with only a small pack on his back to carry a few hunting essentials, he encountered a small traveling group that welcomed a strange dog, and figured he may as well stick with them until he could find suitable clothes to allow his transformation and proper introduction.
       Though there are plenty of people in the world who'd be nervous or even violent at finding a lycanthrope in their midst, Ylant prefers openness and honesty in such meetings, even if it means he has to make a dash for the woods to avoid a fight.  Having grown up with monster-tales of people locked in one shape who hated his better-adapted folk and would steal away naughty children at night, he can only guess at the stories these non-lycans have been told (and indeed he knows there are lycans who are monsters, because one of them killed his young wife), so he can hardly hold it against them if they feel threatened.  But he just can't live entirely alone, nor can he stomach the thought of presenting an ongoing lie to potential friends.

Ylant's animal form

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