Taljesir (218)

Taljesir ("Jesse") Ilauries  [age 218, about 26 in human terms, slowed beyond elf aging by outsider blood]
pronounced   TAL-djeh-seer  ill-AW-ree-ays

Race:  half-erinyes sun elf

Height:  6' 2"

Weight:  150 lb (hollow bones for flight)

Hair:  gold (kept in a ponytail)

Eyes:  gold

Wings:  feathered, copper & gold (shimmery but slightly ratty)

Alignment:  chaotic good

Class:  ranger

Weapons:  flaming bastard sword, acid heavy repeating crossbow

Special Abilities/Qualities:  sun elf traits, half-erinyes traits

Beginning Stats:
STR 21
DEX 20
CON 18
INT 14
WIS 22
CHA 20
(rolled stats have been adjusted by sun elf race
and my half-erinyes template
to yield the values given above)

Background:   Taljesir was born to the union of a sun elf woman and what was supposed to be a celestial visitor.  He grew up assuming he was a half-celestial, but a very poor example of one, and people around him thought the same.  When he started manifesting very non-celestial powers, however, eventually someone put two and two together.
       By indirect means, those erinyes powers killed his mother before he knew about them.  After that, and before he officially came of age, Jesse left home and lost himself in the nearby woods and found he was just as much at home there as in town, if not more so.  Animals didn't expect things from him, and they didn't know what had happened back home.  For a long time, he came and went in the woodland home of an old druid elf, learning bits here and there about the natural world but never able to put enough dedication into gaining druidic power.  Eventually he felt a perverse draw back to civilization, at least for a while; he never could settle anywhere for any length of time.  He shortened his name to Jesse, figuring it sounded less overblown and self-important, and left the woods to find a tavern, preferably among coarse and bawdy humans who wouldn't want to know his background.
       Jesse has no real motivation for any of his travels.  He just doesn't like staying in one place for too long.  And he hates the common reaction to a half-celestial; adoration or pleas for healing will send him scrambling for the wilderness as if the townsfolk were out to hang him.  To avoid this, he generally declares himself to be an avariel.  A really tall one (and he'll glare down any doubters).  As rude and loudmouthed as he can be at times, there's a quirky but persistent compassion in him that causes him great pain when he sees problems that he feels he should be able to fix but can't, because he's not really a half-celestial at all.  He's disgusted with every deity that could be named, regardless of alignment, sardonically considering his existence and substandard nature to be the fault of all of them, a kind of one-finger salute aimed at him personally from the sky.  He goes through periods when he simply vanishes into the woods and deliberately avoids contact with any intelligent beings, but then he eventually finds his way to a village and its alehouse to swap tall tales with the locals and sing tavern songs together over a pint.  Ironically (and much to his disgust), he has a difficult time feeling any effects from alcohol because of a large half-erinyes bonus to saves against poison.

Jesse's shirt buttons down the front, but in order to don or remove it around his bulky wings, he must undo buttons at his lower back as well.  The upper and middle back of the shirt is missing, but the type and shape of his wings prevents that allowance from being sufficient.  He wears elven leather armor with tough but supple pleats at the back between holes for his wings.  He keeps a wool cloak folded among his sparse gear for use when needed; its serves as pillow or blanket in addition to ordinary service as a cloak to keep rain out of the wingholes in his other garments.

When furled, Jesse's wings rise to just below the tops of his shoulders, and trail more than halfway down his shins.  The feathers always have a somewhat ratty appearance upon close inspection, unlike the perfection of actual half-celestial pinions.

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