Venture Crew 97
Haslett MI


Congratulations to our new crew leader, TIM!


What is Venturing?
Officers of Crew 97
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Picture Album
Recipes and Articles
Scouting in the News
Venturing is a program for young men and women ages 14-20.  It is sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America.  Venture Crews are most often part of an established  Boy Scout troop.  Venture Crews participate in high adventure, earn awards, and learn good citizenship skills as part of the Crew Experience.
Meetings are held every other  Tuesday Night at Haslett Community Church in Haslett MI.  Haslett is  located near Lansing MI. at 7:00 pm.   Meetings include discussions of past trips, planning for the future, and most times, a fun activity. Want more information? Send email to: VentureCrew97.

Our  Most Recent Expedition
Spring Break 2004 found us in Charleston, South Carolina for a blast of     history, the ocean, and great seafood. We spent a night on the  aircraft carrier Yorktown, saw the Hunley, and played in the Atlantic Ocean. Read more

International Camporee
The Dorchester International Brotherhood Camporee, DIBC, held its 15th annual event over Mothers Day Weekend. Venture Crew 97 went to Dorchester, Ontario Canada to be staff for the weekend.  The Camporee was attended by over 4600 boy scouts, girl scouts, girl guides and scouts Canada for a loud, and active weekend. Read More...
Upcoming Activities:

Laser Tag Lock-in!
FEB 19, 2005, 11:00 pm-6:00 am FEB 20th.

     All youth, ages 12-18 and their parents are invited to a lock-in at ZAP ZONE Lansing. (near the Lansing Mall). The fee is $35.00, and that includes pizza, pop, and 6 hours of ZAP ZONE gaming. If interested. please see a crew member or call Laurie at: 517-339-1434 between 6-9 pm.

Red Cross Adult CPR Training
FEB 6, 2005 from 2-5:30 pm. Come learn and be certified in Red Cross Adult CPR techniques. Cost: Current member of Chief Okemos Council Boy Scout Council: $25.00, non-member: $40.00. (Please bring current membership card)
Location: Haslett Community Church, Haslett Rd. Haslett. Space is limited. For more information, contact Sherri at: 517-373-4064.

If you have questions or comments about this site, please contact the webmaster.
