
Sunday, April 13, 2003 2:07 CDT

Scooper 'BF', who first alerted when Doc Ock would be cast, has vmore on what the character will look like in Spider-Man 2. Here's what actor Alfred Molina will be working with, according to 'BF'...

Doc Ock's costume will more or less consist of a dirty lab coat (to suggest that he's gone crazy and hasn't even changed his clothes), the tentacles come out of the harness from his back vrather than his sides, and the end of the tentacles, while having the comic version 3 pronged metal claws, will also have another set of tiny claws in the middle that come out to do things like typing, and more delicate tasks which big claws couldn't do.

Also, the reports of doc's tentacles being all animatronic is true (obviously since dykstra himself said so , but that said...), although I believe they're more referring to the close-up shots etc. it'd be absurd to think that no cg would be used a all (aka the wide shots)

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