Howdy! This site created by Vene_Thomas.

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The initial site was created using Netscape Composer and Notepad. Additional pages added beginning August 2001 created with Dreamweaver. I may also experiment with FrontPage 2000, PowerPoint 2000, Java programming and other tools.
Description of the site:

Beginning in August 2001, new pages for CISB 204 (Commercial Internet Site Management) will be added and accessed by clicking HERE.

The original site will remain with links to:

  1. My homework for CISB 102 (Internet for Business)
  2. A Humorous Discussion and examples of Spam Mail
  3. Links to info on Web Page Creation

My apologies that some of the links to other sites in the original section may no longer work. While I will keep the dead links in my CISB 102 homework assignments, I will remove the others as time allows.

Click control above if you do NOT want to load the MUSICAL greeting I composed.

Click text below to go into the original site

What noW? - neW to the net

I know you're thinking "Yet another one of these sites?"

Well I believe I have one area in here that you may not have seen elsewhere . . .

Come on inside and I'll show ya :-)

What noW? - neW to the net

The site still needs better navigation in the deeper levels and the Tools page needs to be better organized ( ain't it the same in the real world?). I think all who enter will be entertained if not also educated. Be sure and bookmark to come back again!

Welcome Fellow Classmates of CISB 102!. Click Text below to see my Homework Lessons.

CISB 102 Internet for Business Lessons

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