Peeper's Pals Gerbil Adoptions
Gerbil Facts:
Serving the Houston, Texas area, we offer healthy, friendly Gerbils of all ages to good homes as well as rescue unwanted gerbils. No gerbil is turned away!
Gerbil adoption and rescue in Houston Texas
Gerbils live several years and are happiest with a same sex friend.
Gerbils are very clean and produce little odor when cleaned weekly.
Gerbils have a simple diet of seeds and grains with occasional treats, storebought or homemade.
Gerbils make great non-demanding pets for older kids and adults. They are naturally curious and need only basic regular cleaning and daily handling to remain healthy and interactive. Gerbils are small and come in many attractive colors and form strong bonds with a gerbil friend as well as keep you entertained with their chewing, digging, climbing and exploring. Not every gerbil likes being handled but all enjoy a good piece of cardboard and a crunchy snack.
Gerbils prefer average household temperatures and low humidity
Gerbils are active during the day and night by taking long naps.
Adult Gerbils
Baby Gerbils
Other Available Critters
Neat Links:
American Gerbil Society
Local Shelter Locator
Email Peeper's Pals