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Árpád Tamásy von Fogaras
FML Árpád Tamásy von Fogaras was assigned to the Honvéd on 11 November 1913, and he remained part of Hungary's militia through the start of the war.  However, in September 1914, Tamásy was elevated to command on the divisional level with the XXIII. Honvéd Infantry Division.  This force was hemmed in with the defenses of Fortress Przemysl, commanded by GdI Hermann Kusmanek. When the fortress surrendered on 15 March 1915, 130,000 soldiers and officers went into captivity, including presumably Tamásy. 
When next Tamásy's name makes an appearance, he is promoted to Feldzeugmeister on 13 August 1917, along with dozens of other officers in who are prisoners of the Russians.  However, by March 1918, the peace of Brest-Litovsk resulted in the immediate release of a good portion of prisoners, and Tamásy returned to the front as commander of the XXIII. Honvéd Infantry Division for one month.  Following this, he was raised in stature and made commander of the XXII. Corps from April until July 1918, taking over from FML Rudolf Krauss. 

After this, he was transferred to command the IV. Corps from July until November 1918, replacing GdK
Alois Fürst von Schönburg-Hartenstein. His troops, mostly Hungarian, were deserting in large numbers, and the Battle of Vittorio Veneto caused his lines to collapse.  Many prisoners were taken, but many more fled in panic and became part of an endless line of stragglers who answered the Hungarian parliament's call home, but found themselves unable to find a way other than by foot.

GWS, 10/03
Orders of Battle:  Syrmia, September 1915
Immediately preceding the invasion of Serbia
Armeegruppe Tersztyánszky, GdK v. Tersztyánszky
     Rayon Syrmien, FML A. v. Tamasy
           Grk, Obst. Hodula
           Mitrovica, Obst. v. Ybl
           Nikinci, Obst. Guha
           Asanja, FML v. Jozsa
           Surcin, GM Fülöpp

Orders of Battle:  Italian Front, mid-October 1918

Immediately before the Battle of Vittorio Veneto
Boroevic Army Group, Feldmarschal Boroevic von Bojna
Isonzo Army, Generaloberst
von Wurm
   IV. Korps, Feldzm. Tamasy von Fogaras
      LXIV. Honved inf. div., Feldmlt. Seide
      LXX. Honved inf. div., Genmj.
Berezeviczy von Berezevicze und Kakas-Lomnitz
      VIII. kav. div., Genmj. von Donokal