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Rudolf Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
Rudolf Stöger was born in 1861. Later, he was adopted by his step-father Josef Steiner and assumed the dual name Stöger-Steiner.   At the start of the war, FML Stöger-Steiner was in command of the 4. Infantry Division.  He remained in command of this force until April 1915, when he was succeeded by GM Anton Bellmond Edler von Adlerhorst. FML Rudolf Stöger-Steiner was granted command of the new Gruppe Stöger-Steiner in May 1915.  It was renamed the 62. Infantry Division in July 1915, and he turned it over to GM Eduard Tunk a week later.  Then, FML Stöger-Steiner was granted command of the XV. Corps, and he replaced GdI Vincenz Fox. Stöger-Steiner remained in command of the Corps until April 1917, when his failing health lent his talents more to a ministerial position than combat.  His position was filled by FML Karl Scotti.

On 27 April 1917, Stöger-Steiner was appointed to replace General
Alexander Krobatin as Imperial Minister of War.  He immediately reorganised the ministry and introduced new officers into the departments he created.  He retained this position until 11 November 1918, when he was forcibly retired.

Rudolf Stöger-Steiner Freiherr von Steinstätten died in 1921 after struggling with recurring illnesses from the early days of the war.

GWS, 2/01 [rev. 6/05]
Orders of Battle:  Volhynian Front, August 1914
Immediately preceding the Battles of Lemberg and Rawa Russka

4. Armee, GdI Moritz Ritter von Auffenberg
     II. Korps, GdI 
          4. inf. div., FML Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
Orders of Battle:  Galician Front, January 1915
Immediately preceding the Battles for the Carpathians

1. Armee, GdK Viktor Dankl
     II. Korps, FML
von Kirchbach
          4. inf. div., FML Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
Orders of Battle:  Galician Front, 1 May 1915
Immediately preceding the Dunajec offensive
4.Armee, GdI  Erzherzog Josef Ferdinand
   IX. Korps, Feldmlt.
       Comb. inf. div., FML Edl. v. Stöger-Steiner
                    7. inf. brig., GM Schaible
                    121. inf. brig., Obst Edl. v. Merten
                    Detachement Obstlt. Frh. v. Vever
General Stöger-Steiner visits an artillery observation post in 1915.
Orders of Battle:  Isonzo Front, October 1915
Immediately preceding the Quadruple Alliance's final offensive against Serbia
. Armee, GdI Boroevic von Bojna
     XV. Korps, FML Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
          50. inf. div., GM Tunk
         1. inf. div., FML Schmidt von Fussina
General Stöger-Steiner receiving the salute from
his troops on the Isonzo Front, 1915
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, March 1916
Immediately preceding the Tirol Offensive
Front Commander, GO Erzherzog Eugen
10. Armee, GdK
     5. det., XV. Korps, GdI Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
          50. inf. div., FML Kalser von Maasfeld
          1. inf. div., FML Schmidt von Fussina
          48inf. div., FML Gabriel
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, August 1916
Immediately following Roumania's declaration of war against Austria
5. Armee, GO Boroevic von Bojna
     XV. Korps, GdI Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
          50. inf. div., GMGerabek
          1. inf. div., FML von Fussina
Orders of Battle:  Tirol Front, August 1916
Immediately following Roumania's declaration of war against Austria
5. Armee, GO Boroevic von Bojna
     XV. Korps, GdI Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten
          50. inf. div., GM Gerabek
          1. inf. div., FML von Fussina
Yet another heroic painting of a K.u.K. commander!