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Albert Graf von Mensdorff-
Pouilly- Dietrichstein
Albert Viktor Julius Joseph Michael was born in Lemberg on 5 September 1861.  He was the fourth child of Alexander-Constantin Graf von Mensdorff-Pouilly, Fürst von Dietrichstein zu Nikolsburg.  He was an extremely effective and popular ambassador for the Austrians, and was primarily responsible for building close relations between Britain and the Empire in the immediate pre-war period. 

Not only was he well liked, but also his wife, who was famous throughout London for holding fabulous balls for diplomats and their friends at their residence.  Prior to his departure upon Britain's declaration of war on Germany, notables gave him and his tearful wife a huge going-away banquet, and he was wished much success by his soon-to-be-enemies.  They boarded him on a special ship that was given clearance to pass through hostile waters and deliver him to Holland, from whence he returned to Vienna. 

Albert Graf von Mensdorff-Pouilly died in Vienna on 15 June 1945.

GWS, 6/01 [rev. 6/03]