you are here.
webmaster info.
my friends.
my class.
my wallpapers.
my skins.
my life.


Hey. Finally updated! WOO HOO!

Hehe... Antigravity is back! The site is kinda simpler than the last (no more marquee moving thingies), but I guess it's okay. Made less pictures, and quite a lot more text. Added some downloadables (miscellaneous section) and other stuff. Check it out.

02 March 2001

After along long time of idleness, finally got them motivation to work on this dump. Added three new sections ( wow ). Er, the skin section aint working yet, but it will be soon. Sign the GB!

05 July 2000
Added a whole new section called "open." Wow...

02 July 2000
Updated the miscellaneous section. Added a whole lotta lyrics and stuff.

02 June 2000
Moved to Redrival because internations is dead. Updated the MISC section. yeehaw.

30 April 2000
Finally finished everything. All the sections are working fine (i hope). Oh man, two weeks of labor all comes down to this. The grand opening. Thanks to the efforts of my PC and myself, the second version of my site is up and running.


Lauren Velasco.All rights kinda reserved.Antigravity.version2.0