Want to know what is up at the old a famous London and Milton Keynes? Well, you have come to the right place. Updated when we can do it, this is were you can come to find some information on the debates and campaigns for animals. If you want daily updates and some of the best news around I suggest you visit the world famous PETA on the links site

20th November 2004
   A HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that has signed into the Veggie Roxs forum. I very much appreciate your support to the Milton Keynes activist group for animal rights and Click Here To Register Into My Forum!we respect you all very much (okay so I don't know what to say lol) I am updating the site as much as I can at the moment, but due to unnecessary exams and MOK GCSE exam papers (Sorry to you that are American and have probably not heard of a GCSE, trust me it's complicating lol) I have had to postpone the updates to this site in till around the 27th or maybe earlier, it will not be within the next two days I can tell you that! lol, more exams... WHAT JOY!!!
14th November 2004
   Well, sadly there has been another death in the captive industry! Hudson a six-year-old Orca, was found dead in Friendship Cove on Oct. 20 2004. This is the second death in this park in two months after another death of a whale named Neocia who was twelve years old when she died. Hudson In His Imprisonment!Clearly there is something wrong, all captive industries should not exist because it is things like this that outrage us and can upset the public. For those of you that do not know about a whale named Shamu in the Sea World, Shamu died in 1980 and since then over 90 whales have been called Shamu because it 'attracts the public' well, have they thought about how it affects the public? I don't think so!
You can help save the whales by emailing Sea World and telling them about how outraged you are about the effects of captivity. You can find about this here at  and here you can email Sea World at GET TYPING!!!
14th November 2004
Due to recent threats and consistent copying from Trainers at Marine Parks (I shall not name those who) I have decided to close down the Profiles page because of safety precautions. I shall not be opening them again in till I believe these people have left me and our beliefs alone. With their mean remarks I believe they should stay out and away from mine and my friends beliefs.
10th November 2004
   Today is a very special birthday, no it's not an animals birthday, it's Stephanie's birthday and she is the big 16 years of age today. Stephanie was the one who originally started up Veggie Roxs and started becoming a vegetarian nearly one year ago. I think I wont be alone when I wish Stephanie a very happy birthday and I hope she has a great day. Stephanie has this to say about turning 16. 
   'Well, even though I have wonderful double math's (math), double PE (Physical Education) and double Support Studies and don't forget the lovely Spanish lesson I couldn't have wanted to spend my birthday in a better place! I'm spending it with the people I have most respect for, my friends and my family. Okay so I'm in school, but at least I get lots of attention! He he!
6th November 2004
   Today is the day after the load bangs and crashes from the fireworks, but as well as that it is a Saturday and more people will be bringing out more fireworks, word of warning, bring your pets in today. I know last night my rabbit had a hard time with all the fireworks, so in the end he slept in my room for the night. He was beginning to get very nervous and started to hit into the side of the hutch. So if you have pets, bring them in. It's better than to risk it. Please have a heart for the animals tonight. With other news I had an idea for Veggie Roxs, it's time to bring in a forum! Visit our new Forum here and lets see what people have to say about the cruelty and abuse that happens in the world. You can visit our forum by clicking on the link below...

4th November 2004 (Stephanie)
   Wow! It's Nearly my big sixteenth birthday. It seems so weird that I am turning sixteen and that this is my sixtieth year of living. I realize now that I wasn't what I should have been when I was younger, I chomped on beef burgers everyday, stuffed myself with fatty bacon buttes and I would continue to eat meat in till I finally understood the truth. Sadly for me this meat eating has taken effect on me, I only gave up meat a year ago and I so badly wish I could go back and change it all. I'm larger than I a normal 16 year old should be and I feel bad that I ate so many poor defenseless animals. I wish I could go back, I really do! But the future is shinning ahead and I am determined to help the animals that are still suffering. Just because I'm going to be an adult doesn't mean I'm going to give up, no no no not me I can promise you that my friends! Giving up meat at first was a challenge to me, but after a few weeks I began to get used to it, today, giving up meat has never been so easy, there are so many products like Quorn (if you are American than you will not know what Quorn is, Quorn is a substitutes to meat we have here in England, to find out more go to and giving up milk and eggs, even easier, if you have ever tried chocolate flavor Soya milk than you will know what I mean, the stuff is paradise and I mean it! Sadly, I am unable to go vegan, but when I leave home and start a new life that will be the first thing on my agenda along with helping PETA! He he...
31st October 2004
   Today is Halloween, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, but watch out for the sweets you get. You may get sweets with gelatin within, please refuse any animal products, every little contribution helps and have a safe and happy Halloween. No tricking now, it's not very nice!
24th October 2004
   Doesn't time fly? It seems like Christmas is only around the corner doesn't it, Argos Reality Is What People Need This Christmas...are now doing all heir Christmas adverts and the sickening displays of all those poor turkeys roasted on plates, but honestly do you care about these turkey's? Christmas is the best time of year to go vegetarian because this is the time of year that mass amounts of animals are slaughtered to be placed on our plates and eaten on Christmas day and new years day. Have you ever thought bout how much meat actually goes to waste on Christmas day? THOUSANDS! There is enough waste meat left over from Christmas dinner to fill the Atlantic ocean twice. Where does it all go? I have no idea, but I found out these facts! So please please please, think more about what you buy nearer Christmas day, try and get your parents to buy food that doesn't contain gelatine or any other animal products. For Christmas lunch try to get your parents to buy a healthier option of a quorn roast or nut loaf. Please think about the pain and suffering of animals this Christmas and go vegetarian, for yourself, for the animals and for the environment.
Please Do Not Use This Picture Without Permission21st October 2004
   Hello again! Today has been a very hectic day! Why? Because it has been both my mothers boyfriend, Graham's, birthday and my baby cousin Carys's birthday. Okay so they have one heck of an age difference, but you know *shrugs* it's quite cute! Graham turned 55 years today, he is enjoying ever hour of it and it was my baby cousin's 1st birthday... WOW has a year gone already? I will tell you what is wired about this. Last year when it was Graham's 54th birthday we were tucking into a curry at the local curry shop when my auntie was having the time of her life giving birth to her second child! lol, how weird is that?
14th October 2004
   I apologize for my absence, if I must be completely honest than I have to sat that I have been ill. For some reason I had a nasty infection and wasn't able to get out of bed for a while, although I still went to Want To Link To Me? school. I haven't been able to do much to the site although I have updated the 'Experiments' page with some interesting opinions on animal testing from some science teachers themselves! Way-Hay! I'm still on the iffy side, but i will be back up again and will try to update more and more often! I'm trying to get some music on all the sites, how is that for getting technical lol! We have also got a new logo which can be used to link back to us. It was created by Giuseppe. THANKS!!
26th September 2004
We have a new link to our site. A boy named Giuseppe D'Amone has built a very interesting webpage with lots of facts and figures on the world of animal abuse and problems that go on. This is a very touching site. Thanks for adding me. This site is now available to visit on the Links Page.
25th September 2004
   Sanea On His 5th BirthdayIt's a happy birthday today to Stephanie's goldfish Sanea today. He celebrates his fifth birthday today, quite an old age for a fish, but he shares his birthday with his best friend Salina who swims in the tank with him and keeps both Sanea and Stephanie very much company. Hopefully another five years will shot by and we will soon be posting Sanea's tenth birthday here on Veggie Roxs.
Sanea was given his name after he began to swim around his tank very rapidly and bubble a lot when the song by Peter Andre 'Insanea' was played on Stephanie's CD player. Ever since than he had been nicknamed Insanea, but for short Stephanie calls him Sanea, because really he is sane and not insane. Stephanie says that Sanea is a very faithful animal and talks to her a lot of the time (Stephanie has memorized the signs and signals that both the fish try to communicate through) and she also says that although Sanea has a habit of jumping out of the tank he is a very timid animal and loves his food!
23rd September 2004
   For our Veggie Roxs member Amy it has not been a very good day. Whilst on her way home from school on the 22nd of September she encountered a stray cat that was fending for his own life in the bushes. Sadly the cat was old and very thin, but as she took him to the vet, the vet explained that the animal had a kidney disorder and they would do all they could to help the poor animal. Sadly this morning news was not all great! The cat was sadly put to sleep today, finally placed out of his misery. I pray that this cat will be kept safe by God.
God Bless...
21st September 2004
   Yet again, for another day in a row all that was on the menu for vegetarians was baked potato and tuna, well obviously eating fish doesn't make you a full vegetarian, so when they asked if I ate fish, the reply was NO! Salad and greens are good for you, but sometimes having the continuous baked potato can make any vegetarian be temped for something different. Today for the meat-eaters it was Turkey Pie and Spanish Pasta, although I wasn't sure whether the pasta was suitable for vegetarians I didn't ask, but I was assured that it was, still no big chance to the vegetarian menu. If I had to count the vegetarians in my school, it would have to be an estimated guess of around 20 people to over 200 people. That is how out-cast we are. Although we do not protest as much as we should in school, we don't like to feel out-cast and we keep silent, trying to peaceful, like many activist are. Well, some are nutters! In a good way, but at least this way we can not feel bad about ending up in detention about something!
15th September 2004
   Hunting people who voted against the ban to hunting in London crowded outside the parliament An animal activist shows the remains of a fox hunthouses today in order to fight for what they called 'freedom'. Although there we less people who were voting against hunting there the people who cried for the act of hunting to be forgotten stormed into the highly guarded building, shocking and scaring the people who were passing the vote. The police were brought into the fight on horseback and were seen hitting and fighting against the angry citizen who continued to fight for their right. One woman protested against her face being scarred by being knocked over by a policeman, but if you could have had a heart to feel deep enough than she may have realized that this is how the many animals feel when they are knocked over and slaughtered in this barbaric hunts. Although at around 6pm that afternoon things were still tense in London things had begun to calm down. This just shows that those who appose the idea of hunting are a lot more calmer than those who want hunting to continue. We stayed back and aloud the men to continue with their childish behavior. Many held signs that said '59% Vote For Hunting' This is crap! It's not true because killing an innocent animal is wrong, cruel and down right stupid!