This biological energy massage is sponsored by the Cuban Cultural Yoruba Association, and its promoter and master practitioner is the Graduated Angel Berto Espinosa, Associate member # 1149 that has written a book titled "The Art of Curing" in synthesis this book it is about the use of the digituntion in Cuba with the testimonies of more than 4 000 persons, Cubans and foreigners that they have received this treatment with satisfactory results in Cuba.

Digituntion is a very new technique, and its uses neither needles nor pressure for its application, but only biological energy that it is able to eliminate rheumatic blockades and Stress.

The difference of time among the countries, the tropical clime, the unused physical activities for those healthy people, are a reed for "recharging the bio-energetic batteries", and you can get it through the new technique of Digituntion.

Cervical pains, sacrum pains, ciatalgia and tendons inflammation (tendentious) among others, disappear with this treatment in less than TEN MINUTES.

Digituntion is a kind or REIKI or Planoterapy which is being applied with energy through the hands.

70% of the world's population is suffering pains in Cervical and Sacrum , but very few of them has the possibility of receiving this treatment which has been found out by Licentiate Angel Berto Espinosa after fourteen years of research.

They use to offer a movable service in their "Centro Cultural Los Corales" located on First Avenue between 34 and 35 in Varadero, but now they are offering this services Monday to Friday from 12m to 6.00pm at NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING THE TANGO, at Justiz # 21 between Oficios & Baratillo , Habana Vieja.. Telephone 53-7- 61-0892.

Feel yourself well for enjoying the beauty of Life !

You can get it with CUR'ART A healthy mind in a healthy body !

Statements and Testimony from Canadians tourist that has received the treatment from Angel Berto Espinosa Fernandez

1.-May 15/96 Hotel Meliá Varadero

I Regis Eugene Renard, 540 Columbia Valley Road, Lindell Beach, Bristol Columbia, Canada, I give this statement of my own free will and accord. I have today received a "Bioenergy Massage" performed by Angel Berto Espinosa Fernández on my lower back where I have had pain from an accident many years ago. One treatment and my pain is relieved. I can now bend my back and touch my toes and could not do that before. I heartily recommend this method of massage called "Bio Energy Massage" anyone can call me for reference: 604.858.5069

2.- Jan. 10/97 Brian Kaul Back, Toronto, Canada Telef. 484-0088

I had a treatment for a neck injury I have had for many years. I felt the warmth of the treatment working right away. After 10 minutes my neck problems seem to be going away. I've heard about this treatment before so I hope at his point in time it will work for me:

3.-Irina Kartchava, 1650 Lincoln, # 909, Montreal, Quebec H3H-1H1 Canada

Problem: Can't lift my arm one treatment made it easier for me to move may arm and I hope that the second one will cure it completely. Thank you very much. You are a true Angel.