A.Eligibility(II : 2)

1.A membership application form shall be

made available to a prospective member,

only after that individual has attended a

regular Club meeting as a guest.

a..attendance is to be verified by the 

Club’s guest book and/or the 

Recording Secretary’s minutes.

b.A copy of the Club’s constitution and 

By-Laws and the Club’s standing rules 

and policies shall be available to the 

prospective member when the applica-

tion is requested.

2.A completed membership application shall 

be returned to the membership chairperson

of the club.

a.The form must be completed in it’s 

b.entirety and accompanied by a dues 

c.payment for the current year.

b.Upon receiving an application from a 

prospective member, the membership

chairperson shall verify eligibility of 

the application, according to Article 

II, Section 2, of the Club’s Constitu-

tion and By-Laws.

c.Only applications received at least ten 

days prior to the next regular meeting 

shall be considered as properly 

received for a first reading at that 


d.Upon receipt of an eligible member-

ship application, the Recording Secre- 

tary shall be notified to send a meeting 

notice to the prospective member.

3.An eligible membership application shall 

first be read at the next regular meeting at 

which a Quorum is present and the pro- 

spective member is in attendance, to be 

introduced to the membership.

4.At the next regular meeting, after an 

applicant’s first reading it shallbe read a 

second time, provided a Quorum is 

present, and an election for membership

shall be conducted in accordance with 

Article II, Section 4, of the Club’s 

Constitution and By-Laws.

a.The prospective member need not be 

present at this meeting.

b.With all persons who are not Club 

members absent from the meeting 

room, the Chair shall encourage

active and through discussion regard-

ing the prospective member.

5.Once elected to membership, the new 

member immediately shall be given a

packet containing a membership card,

membership directory, and other appro-

priate Club information.


latest revision:12-28-93

B.Dues.(1.3)(previously stated in By-Laws)(II:3)Regular membership dues are 

$10.00 annually, payable.

on or before January first of each year.

New membership applications received prior to July 1st


2.shall be accompanied by $10.00. 

Those applications;received on or beyond July 1st

shall be accompanied by $5.00.

Adopted 6-18-81, Revised 12-28-93, and 6-6-07

C. Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership 

$1. Remembrances.o:p>

3.a. The Club will send flowers or an appropriate memorial gift in the following situations:-

i. To hospitalized Club member..

ii. To the family of a Club member upon the death of that member.-

iii. To a Club member upon the death of a spouse, child, parent or part of the family of that member. 

iv. To a hospitalized person who has made a special contribution to the Club or to the dog fancy in general or for the funeral of such a person.


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