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Dewey Rembrandt

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Luna's Newsie Palace! Credit's to her for making them! ^_^
   I was born on July 2, 1986 and graduated from Cypress Creek High with an International Baccalaureate Diploma. I now attend Rollins College where I'm majoring in Religion, with a Minor in Jewish Studies and Writing. I love Theatre and have been involved with many school productions including A Midsummer Night's Dream, Equus, Much Ado About Nothing, Antigone, and Oklahoma. I live in the endlessly hot state of Florida, and I am the youth minister at Rejoice in the Lord Ministries!

1. Scions of Shannara
By Terry Brooks

2. The Princess Bride
Edited By William Goldman

3. The Lord of the Rings
By J.R.R Tolkien

4. Servant of the Bones
By Anne Rice

5. Angelwalk
By Roger Elwood


The Passion of the Christ
The Lord of the Rings
Moulin Rouge
The Count of Monte Cristo
(Kenneth Brannaugh version)
Romeo & Juliet
(DiCaprio version)
Pride and Prejudice
(A&E version)
Treasure Planet
Good Will Hunting

I've been writing since first grade, and every day I see my work improving. It's a hard craft...often writers are disappointed by their works...but in the end, when we produce something truly worthy, words cannot describe how proud we are. ^_^ I can't stand it when people think writing is just a slipshod relationship between pen and paper in which no mind, thought, or energy is conveyed! Writing takes a toll on the mind. We expend all of our imagination into our works and afterwards feel as if we've just run a marathon! So here's a shout-out to all my aspiring writers out there: Never give up and don't let anyone ever tell you it can't be done!

As for music, I usually listen to Rock, but I do appreciate all other kinds of music from country and hip-hop to classical and jazz. My favorite band is RELIENT K (whom I've met before in concert)!! w00t w00t! Their best song is "Failure to Excommunicate" Awesome melodies! And just as well, "I Am Understood" and "From End to End" are AWESOME.

Now for the personal side of me. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a youth minister, having accepted a call to the ministry at the mere age of 16. I LOVE GOD and find my strength to press on solely through Him. So go ahead, label me a won't bother me at all. I'm not afraid to stand up and profess my beliefs, why should I be? As the song by Avalon says, "For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love, I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough..."

As a christian, there's 2 things that bother me:

1. *Religion* This might baffle you at first glance, but I assure you it's only for this reason. Humanity spends so much time worrying over ageless traditions, doctrinal truths, and things created by MAN when the only thing that's going to matter when you die is: whether or not you had a relationship with God and whether that relationship was a mirror image of God's love. It frustrates me that sometimes, Christians argue only because one is Catholic and one is Lutheran. Honestly, does that make any sense? We serve the SAME GOD!

2. *Hypocrites* Now I'm not saying that I'm perfect, cause I most certainly am not. But when I see a fellow Christian preaching one thing and then enacting something totally different, it really sets me on edge. Why? Because we are suppose to be examples of Christ to this world, the salt and the light. However, at this rate it's no wonder why people steer clear of Christianity. As DC Talk once said, "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknoledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny him with their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

On the other hand, I do believe that those searching for the Truth shouldn't look to other people (for we're filled with imperfections) but rather upwards to God. ^_^ He holds all the answers now and always.

"Do not let Evil defeat you, but defeat evil with Good."
~Romans 12:21

