Idol Photo This tirtha is situated at a distance of 8 kms. from the Hathakalangada Railway Station on the Kothapur-Meeraj Road in Maharashtra. It is situated in the forest on a small hill adjoining the Kambhoja Village. The majestic and fine Jina temple has, as presiding deity Shri Jagavaltabha Parshvanath Bhagavan. From the hill-top the scenery of the jungle and the fields therein yield delight to the heart. Some know this as the hill of Bahubali. The hill has foot-steps and one can go up the hill within fifteen minutes. The idol is of white complexion and one metre in height. On the cross-legs of MULANAYAKA, we have an inscription of V.S. 1926. There are four Shrines in the temple of which two have the idols of Tirthankara, one has an image of Shri Padmavatidevi and one has that of Manibhadrayaksha. One image of metal belongs to V.S. 1323. Again, in the underground cellar, presides Shri Ajitnath Bhagavan, while on the third storey presides Shri Chandraprabha Prabhu. The last renovation of the tirtha took place in V.S. 1926 on monday, the 7th day of the bright half of the month Maha. Revered Shri Vijayanandasuriji ceremoniously installed it then. Some look upon this as the Shatrunjaya of South Maharashtra. Fairs are held here every year on the Purnimas of Kartika and Chaitra and on the tenth day of the dark half of Margashirsha. Devotees in thousands reap the benefit of devotion to the divine then.
Place Photo