Vantasias Dairy Goats
I am just learning to make my own web page so look for updates soon.

last up date 3-7-05

also look for pictures to come soon. I still need to take more pictures and do some work on the web page.
    Welcom to Vantasias  Farm, located in the beautiful Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas.  We started with goats in 2003, when my children decided that they wanted a goat as a 4-H project. My pet herd grew into a lovely sized herd which now includes six handsome boys and 80 lovely ladies.  The girls have placed well at our local county and district fairs.  At the ADGA shows the girls and boys also hold their own very well.  Cream-of-Kansas',  Goldthwaite, Price O The Field, Willow Run, 3-M-Farms, Sugar-Ridge,and  Stump Hollow  are just a few of the bloodlines that my girls can be traced back to.
     We are constenly working to improve our herd, so in January 2004 we will be starting  CAE testing as well as milking for our local dairy. The kids will be pulled from the dams and will be raised on a CAE preventive plan.  If you have any questions, please contatct me.
       In early spring of 2004 all my goats over 1 year old was tested for CAE and tested negative. I will be testing again in the fall before breeding season again.
      Also check out our photo gallery to see all of the other critters that occupy our farm.

Senior Doe's
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American Dairy Goat Association
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