Van Pirates Productions

Wo-WOAH! What the hell? What is going on with this crazy mango color? err... I mean, what is going on with this crazy lack of updates? Well, by the looks of it, most people involved with this production have either moved, had an emotional breakdown, had a relative die, be swamped with work, have no money, had the window of their car smashed out, been hospitalized, or attacked by rabid dogs. (whoops, I mean, be attacked by rabid squirrels.) 

But no, seriously... We've been having a really rough time these past few months, so we ask for your patience. (though we probably don't deserve it anymore.) Wallet people (you know who you are) will be receiving special Christmas season holiday packages in compensation for having to wait so long for their orders, and we are sad to announce that as of the completion of these orders, we'll be taking wallets off of our purchasable materials list. (They're just too darn labor-intensive... the little bastards...)

So thank you visitors for remaining stout of heart, and for keeping the hate-mail to a minimum. Hopefully by the new year we'll be fully up and running again, ready for a much more progressive, and productive year.

-Van Pirates Girls










(We just thought this was funny...)


You are Elizabeth wearing a funny hat! Okay, I know
that everyone else in the movie gets a funny
hat, but that is no reason for...this...this
display of rebellious youth! Thats what it is!
Mutiny! Cheese and crackers
Avast! What Pirates of the Caribbean Based Random Crossover are YOU?
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